Ferencz Cs., Dudkin, F.L., Korepanov, V.E., Lizunov, G.V., Lichtenberger J. (2013):
Study of whistler waves propagation in "Ionosat-Micro: project.
In: Space Project "Ionosat-Micro", eds. by Zasuhi, S.A. and Fedorova, O.P., Academperiodika, 2013, Kyiv, pp. 46-52. (In Rusian).
Briess, K., Bankov, L., Crespon, F., Sterenharz, A., Ferencz, Cs., Rothkaehl, H., Korepanov, V., Lizunov, G. and Piankova, O. (2012):
POPDAT: Problem-oriented data processing and ionospheric wave catalogues creation.
In: Let's embrace space, eds. by Schulte-Braucks, R., Breger, P., Bischoff, H., Borowiecka, S. and Sadiq, S.,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 352-357.
ISBN 978-92-79-22207-8
doi: 10.2769/31208
Lichtenberger, J., Clilverd, M., Heilig, B., Vellante, M., Ulich, T., Rodger, C., Collier, A., Jorgensen, A., Reda, J., Holzworth, R. and Friedel, R. (2012):
PLASMON: A new, ground based data-assimilative model of the Earth's Plasmasphere - a critical contribution to Radiation Belt modelling for Space Weather purposes.
In: Let's embrace space, eds. by Schulte-Braucks, R., Breger, P., Bischoff, H., Borowiecka, S. and Sadiq, S.,
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 488-494.
ISBN 978-92-79-22207-8
doi: 10.2769/31208
Klimov, S., Niovikov, D., Korepanov, V., Marussenkov, A., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J. and Bodnár L. (2010):
The study of electromagnetic parameters of space weather,micro-satellite "CHIBIS-M".
In: Small Satellites for Earth Observation. New Developments and Trends, eds. by Sandau, R., Röser, H.P. and Valenzula, A.,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 95-102.
Ferencz Cs. (2010): A magyar Szent Korona a természettudós szemével. In: Juhász A. és Tél T. (szerk.): Fizikatanítás.
ELTE Fizikai Doktori Iskola, Budapest, 537-545.
ISBN 978-963-150-2
Lichtenberger J. (2010): A földi plazmaszféra vizsgálata whistlerek segítségével. MTA doktori értekezés,
Budapest, 1-142.
Ferencz Cs. (2009): Űrtan - Az űrkutatás gyakorlati alkalmazásai. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-284-02-2
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Veverka, B. (eds., 2009): European cartographic heritage. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica44(1), 148 p.
ISSN 1217-8977
Novikov, D.I., Klimov, S.I., Korepanov, V.E., Marusenkov, A.A., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J. and Bodnár, L. (2009):
Magnitno-volnovoj kompleks mikrosputnika "Chibis-M" dla izutsenia kozmitseskoj pogodi. In: Missia "Chibis-M", ed. by Hazirova, R.R., IKI-RAN, Moskow, pp. 78-89.
ISSN 2075-6836
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Steinbach, P. (eds., 2008): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Book of Abstracts. Eötvös
University, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-2840017-8
Singh, V., Singh, B., Lichtenberger, J., Hamar, D. (2008): Trimpi/TLE like events observed at a low latitude station. In: Singh, B. (ed.) Electromagnetic Phenomenon Related to Earthquakes and Volcanos, Narosa Pulishing House, New-Delhi, pp 223-230.
ISBN 978-81-7319-858-8
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Biszak, S., Jankó, A. (2008): Magyarország topográfiai térképe a második világháború időszakából. DVD-kiadvány, Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-73747-1-5
Timár G. (2007): ER Mapper. In: Elek I. (ed.): Térinformatikai gyakorlatok. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 247-308.
ISBN 978-963-463-909-1
Pišút, P., Timár G. (2007): História územia ostrova Kopáč. In: Majzlan, O. (ed.): Príroda ostrova Kopáč. Fytoterapia OZ, Bratislava, 7-30. PDF
ISBN 978-80-969718-7-9
Biszak, S., Timár, G., Molnár, G., Jankó, A. (eds., 2007): Digitized maps of the Habsburg Empire - The third military survey, Österrechisch-Ungarische Monarchie, 1869-1887, 1:75000. DVD-kiadvány, Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-73-7451-7
Biszak, S., Timár, G., Molnár, G., Jankó, A. (eds., 2007): Digitized maps of the Habsburg Empire - The third military survey, Ungarn, Siebenbürgen, Kroatien-Slawonien, 1869-1887, 1:25000. DVD-kiadvány, Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-73-7454-8
Pišút P., Timár G. (2007): A csallóközi (Žitný ostrov) Duna-szakasz folyódinamikai változásai a középkortól napjainkig. In: Kázmér M. (szerk.): Környezettörténet – Az utóbbi 500 év környezeti eseményei történeti és természettudományi források tükrében. Hantken Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 59-74.
ISBN 978-963-87015-9-6
Székely B., Molnár G., Timár G. (2007): Lázár deák és a folyódinamika – térképezési hibák vagy valós mederváltozás? In: Kázmér M. (szerk.): Környezettörténet – Az utóbbi 500 év környezeti eseményei történeti és természettudományi források tükrében. Hantken Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 75-98.
ISBN 978-963-87015-9-6
Timár, G., Biszak, S., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Imecs, Z., Jankó, A. (2007): Digitized maps of the Habsburg Empire - First and Second Military Survey, Grossfürstenthum Siebenbürgen. DVD-kiadvány, Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-73746-0-9
Biszak, S., Timár, G. (eds., 2007): Buda és Pest történeti topográfiája georeferált térképekkel. DVD-kiadvány, Arcanum Adatbázis Kiadó, Budapest.
ISBN 978-963-73746-5-4
Timár G. (2007): Valósidejű GPS-navigáció megvalósítása történeti topográfiai és kataszteri térképeken. Diplomaterv, Geodéziai és térinformatikai szakmérnöki szak, GPS navigációs ágazat, BME Általános és Felsőgeodéziai Tanszék, Budapest, 53 o. PDF
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Biszak, S., Varga, J., Jankó, A. (2006): Digitized maps of the Habsburg
Empire - The map sheets of the second military survey and their georeferenced version. Arcanum, Budapest,
59 p.
ISBN 963-7374-33-7
Bada, G., Horváth, F., Tóth L., Fodor L., Timár G., Cloetingh, S. (2006): Societal aspects
of ongoing deformation in the Pannonian region. In: Pinter, N., Grenerczy Gy., Weber, J., Stein S., Medak, D.
(eds.): The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards. Springer, 385-402.
ISBN 1-4020-4234-5
Steinbach P. (2006): Felsőlégköri ionizációs folyamatok vizsgálata földi és műholdas VLF-adatok alapján. Doktori (Ph.D.) értekezés, ELTE Geofizikai Tanszék, Budapest, 114 o. PDF
Bognár P. (2005): Műholdas termésbecslési eljárások
fejlesztése. Doktori (Ph.D.) értekezés, ELTE Geofizikai Tanszék, Budapest, 1-136. Theses
Zöldföldi J., Székely B., Franzen Ch. (2004): Interdisciplinary data base of historically relevant marble
material for archeometric, art historian and restoration use. In: Grassegger-Schön, G.&Patitz,G. (eds.):
Natursteinsanierung Stuttgart 2004, Neue Natursteinsanierungsergebnisse und messtechnische Erfassungen (19. März 2004)
Siegl, München, 79-86.
ISBN 3-935643-12-8
Sümegi P., Timár G., Gulyás S., Juhász I. (2004):
The study area (of the Bátorliget marshland). In: P. Sümegi, S. Gulyás (eds.):
The geohistory of Bátorliget marshland – An example for the
reconstruction of Late Quaternary environmental changes and past human impact
from the NE part of the Carpathian Basin. Archaeolingua, main series, 16, Budapest, 25-38.
ISBN 963-8046-43-3
Timár G. (2004):
Geoinformatika és űrkutatás: a régi térképektől a
radarbázisú domborzati modellekig. In: Both E. (ed.):
Űrtevékenység Magyarországon 2003.
Magyar Űrkutatási Iroda, Budapest, 34-39.
ISSN 1217-081X
Molnár G. (2004): Űrfelvételek térinformatikai rendszerbe integrálása.
Doktori (Ph.D.) értekezés, ELTE Geofizikai Tanszék, Budapest, 1-149.
Lichtenberger J., Hamar D., Ferencz Cs. (2003): Methods for analyzing the structure and propagation
characteristics of whistlers. In: Very Low Frequency (VLF) Phenomena
(Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordinated Study of Very Low Frequency Phenomena:
Global Approach), November 25-27, 1999. Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India.
N.K. Mehra for Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India., 88-107.
ISBN 81-7319-485-8
Ferencz Cs. (2003) Benefits of using the new full wave solution of Maxwell’s equations. In:
Very Low Frequency (VLF) Phenomena (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordinated Study of Very Low Frequency Phenomena:
Global Approach), November 25-27, 1999. Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India.
N.K. Mehra for Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India., 108-128.
ISBN 81-7319-485-8
E. Ferencz Orsolya: (2003) Results of the application of the new full-wave model in the electron
and ion-whistler research. In: Very Low Frequency (VLF) Phenomena
(Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordinated Study of Very Low Frequency Phenomena:
Global Approach), November 25-27, 1999. Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India.
N.K. Mehra for Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India., 129-150.
ISBN 81-7319-485-8
Timár G. (2003): Geológiai folyamatok hatása
a Tisza alföldi szakaszának medermorfológiájára.
Doktori (Ph.D.) értekezés, ELTE Geofizikai Tanszék, Budapest, 1-135. HTML
Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Székely, B., Dunkl, I. (2003): Die Hochplateaus in den Kalkalpen - 35 Millionen
Jahre alte Landoberflächen. In: Weidinger, J.T., Lobitzer, H., Spitzbart, I. (eds.): Beiträge zur Geologie des
Salzkammerguts, Gmundner Geo-Studien 2, Erkudok, Institut Museum, Gmunden, 181-189.
ISBN 3-9500193-3-2
Székely, B., Reinecker, J., Dunkl, I., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J. (2002): Neotectonic movements and their
geomorphic response as reflected in surface parameters and stress patterns in the Eastern Alps.
EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 3, 149-166.
ISBN 3-9365860-6-3
Ferencz Cs., Ferencz O.E., Hamar D. and Lichtenberger J. (2001):
Whistler Phenomena, Short Impulse Propagation. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands, 1-260.
ISBN 0-7923-6995-5
Székely, B. (2001): On the surface of the Eastern Alps - a DEM study. Tübinger Geowiss. Arb., Reihe A,60, 1-157.
ISSN 0935-4921
Anikó Kern, Zoltán Barcza, Hrvoje Marjanovic, Tamás Árendás, Nándor Fodor, Péter Bónis,
Péter Bognár and János Lichtenberger (2018): Statistical modelling of crop yield in Central Europe using climate data and remote sensing vegetation indices.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 260-261, pp. 300-320. Online
doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.06.009
Bognár P., Kern A., Pásztor Sz., Lichtenberger J., Koronczay D. and Ferencz Cs. (2017):
Yield estimation and forecasting for winter wheat in Hungary using time series of MODIS data.Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 38, 11, pp. 3394-3414.
Kern, A., Marjanovic, H., Dobor, L., Anic, M., Hlásny, T., Barcza, Z. (2017):
Identification of Years with Extreme Vegetation State in Central Europe Based on Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data.South-east European forestry, 8 (1).
Kern, A., Marjanovic, H., Barcza, Z. (2016): Evaluation of the quality
of NDVI3g dataset against Collection 6 MODIS NDVI in Central-Europe
between 2000 and 2013.Remote Sensing, 8(11) pp. 955. Online
Bór, J., B. Ludván, N. Attila, and P. Steinbach (2016): Systematic deviations in source direction estimates of Q-bursts recorded at Nagycenk, Hungary.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121,pp. 5601-5619
Panasyuk, M. I., Svertilov, S. I., Bogomolov, V. V., Garipov, G. K., Balan, E. A., Barinova, V. O., Bogomolov, A. V., Golovanov, I. A., Iyudin, A. F., Kalegaev, V. V., Khrenov, B. A., Klimov, P. A., Kovtyukh, A. S., Kuznetsova, E. A., Morozenko, V. S., Morozov, O. V., Myagkova, I. N., Osedlo, V. I., Petrov, V. L., Prokhorov, A. V., Rozhkov, G. V., Saleev, K. Yu., Sigaeva, E. A., Vedenkin, N. N., Yashin, I. V., Klimov, S. I., Grechko, T. V., Grushin, V. A., Vavilov, D. I., Korepanov, V. E., Belyaev, S. V., Demidov, A. N., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Szegedi, P., Rothkaehl, H., Moravski, M., Park, I. H., Lee, J., Kim, J., Jeon, J., Jeong, S., Park, A. H., Papkov, A. P., Krasnopejev, S. V., Khartov, V. V., Kudrjashov, V. A., Bortnikov, S. V. and Mzhelskii, P. V. (2016):
RELEC mission: Relativistic electron precipitation and TLE study on-board small spacecraft.
Advances in Space Research, 57,3, pp. 835-849
doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.11.033
Zelenyi, L.M., Klimov, S.I., Angarov, V.N., Rodin, V.G., Nazarov, V.N., Sukhanov, A.A., Batanov, O.V., Gotlib, V.M., Kalyuzhnyi, A.V., Karedin, V.N.,
Kozlov, V.M., Kozlov, I.V., Eismont, N.A., Ledkov, A.A., Novikov, D.I., Korepanov, V.E., Bodnar, L., Szegedi, P., Ferencz, Cs., Papkov, A.P. and
Lizunov, A.A. (2015):
Space experiment 'Microsatellite' on the russian segment of the international space station.Kosmitcheskaya tehnika i tehnologii, 3,10, pp.27-37. (in russian)
ISSN 2308-7625
Kudrin, A.V., Shkokova, N.M., Ferencz O.E. and Zaboronkova, T.M (2014):
Whistler wave radiation from a pulsed loop antenna located in a cylindrical duct with
enhanced plasma density.
Physics of Plasmas, 21, 112115.
doi: 10.1063/1.4901949
Klimov, S., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Szegedi, P., Steinbach, P., Gotlib, V.,
Novikov, D., Belyayev, S., Marusenkov, A., Ferencz, O., Korepanov, V., Lichtenberger, J. and Hamar, D. (2014):
First results of MWC SAS3 electromagnetic wave experiment on board of the Chibis-M satellite.
Advances in Space Research, 54, pp. 1717-1731. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.06.044
Ferencz, Cs., Lizunov, G., Crespon, F., Price, I., Bankov, L., Przepiorka, D., Bries, K., Dudkin, D., Girenko, A., Korepanov, V.,
Kuzmych, A., Skorokhod, T., Marinov, P., Piankova, O., Rothkaehl, H., Shtus, T., Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger, J., Sternharz, A. and
Vassileva, A. (2014):
Ionosphere Waves Service (IWS) - a problem-oriented tool in ionosphere and Space Weather research produced by POPDAT project.
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 4, A17, doi:10.1051/swsc/2014013.
ISSN 2115-7251
Kern A., Bognár P., Pásztor Sz., Timár G., Lichtenberger J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P. és Ferencz O. (2014):
Közvetlen vételű MODIS adatok alkalmazásai Magyarország térségére.
Távérzékelési Technológiák és Térinformatika, 4, No. 1.
ISSN 2062-8617
Lichtenberger, J., Clilverd, M.A., Heilig, B., Vellante, M., Manninen, J., Rodger, C.J., Collier, A.B., Jorgensen, A.M., Reda, J., Holzworth, R.H., Friedel, R. and Simon-Wedlund, M. (2013):
The plasmasphere during a space weather event: first results from the PLASMON project. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 3, A23, doi:10.1051/swsc/2013045.
ISSN 2115-7251
Lichtenberger J. és Ferencz Cs. (2012): A szférák zenéje és az űridőjárás.
Magyar Tudomány, 2012/12, 1426-1434.
ISSN 0025-0325
Ferencz, Cs. (2012): Electromagnetic wave propagation in general relativistic situations: A general solution of the problem.
Radio Science, 47(1), RS1014, doi:10.1029/2011RS004905.
ISSN 0048-6604
A.V. Kudrin, N.M. Shmeleva, O.E. Ferencz and T.M. Zabronkova (2012): Excitation of electromagnetic waves by a pulsed loop antenna in a magnetoplasma.Physics of Plasmas, 19, 063301, doi:10.1063/1.4725508
Delport, B., A. B. Collier, J. Lichtenberger, C. J. Rodger, M. Parrot, M. A. Clilverd, and R. H. W.
Friedel (2012): Simultaneous observation of chorus and hiss near the plasmapause.
J. Geophys. Res. , 117, A12218, doi:10.1029/2012JA017609.
Wilson, C.F., Chassefiere, E., Hinglais, E., Baines, K.H., Balint, T.S., Berthelier, J.-J., Blamont, J., Durry, G., Ferencz., Cs., Grimm, R.E., Imamura, T., Josset, J.-L.,
Leblanc, F., Lebonnois, S., Leitner, J.J., Limaye, S.S., Marty, B., Palomba, E., Pogrebenko, S.V., Rafkin, S.C.R., Talboys, D.L., Wieler, R.,
Zasova, L.V., Szopa, C. and the EVE team (2011):
The 2010 European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission proposal.
Experimental Astronomy, doi:10.1007/s10686-011-9259-9.
Ferencz, Cs. (2011):
Electromagnetic wave propagation in inhomogeneous, moving media: A general solution of the problem.
Radio Science, 46, RS5006, doi: 10.1029/2011RS004686.
ISSN 0048-6604
Bognár; P., Ferencz Cs., Pásztor Sz., Molnár G., Timár G., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J., Székely B.,Steinbach P. and Ferencz O. (2011):
Yield forecasting for wheat and corn in Hungary by satellite remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (17), 4749-4758, doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.493566
ISSN 0143-1161
Collier, A. B., J. Lichtenberger, M. A. Clilverd, P. Steinbach, and C. J. Rodger (2011):
Source region for whistlers detected at Rothera, Antarctica,.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 , A03219, doi:10.1029/2010JA016197,
ISSN 0148-0227
Kudrin, A.V., Shmeleva, N.M., Ferencz, O.E. and Zabronovka, T.M. (2010):
Excitation of electromagnetic waves by a pulsed ring current in magnetoplasma.
Proceedings Days on Diffraction, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, pp. 106-112.
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., Rodger, C.J., Clilverd, M.A. and Collier, A.B. (2010):
Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer system: Implementation of the analyzer algorithm.
Journal of Geophysical Research115, A12214, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015931.
ISSN 0148-0227
Korepanov, V., Marusenkov, A., Belyayev, S., Klimov, S., Zelenyi, L., Novikov, D., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J. and Bodnár, L. (2010):
Chvilovij eksperiment na mikrosputniky "Chibis-M". Kosmichna nauka i technologoa16, No. 3, 69-77.
Collier, A. B., Bremner, S., Lichtenberger, J., Downs, J. R., Rodger, C. J., Steinbach, P., and McDowell, G. (2010):
Global lightning distribution and whistlers observed at Dunedin, New Zealand. Annales Geophysicae28, 499-513.
ISSN 0992-7689
Ferencz, Cs., J. Lichtenberger, D. Hamar, O. E. Ferencz, P. Steinbach, B. Székely, M. Parrot, F. Lefeuvre, J-J. Berthelier, M. A. Clilverd (2010)
An unusual VLF signature structure recorded by the DEMETER satellite. Journal of Geophysical Research115, A02210, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014636
ISSN 0148-0227
Kasaba, Y., Bougeret, J.-L., Blomberg, L.G., Kojima, H., Yagitani, M., Moncuquet, M., Trotignon, J.-G., Chanteur, G., Kumamoto, A., Kasahara, Y.,
Lichtenberger, J., Omura, Y., Ishisaka, K. and Matsumoto, H. (2010):
The Plasma Wave Investigation (PWI) onboard the BepiColombo/MMO: First measurement of electric fields, electromagnetic waves and radio
waves around Mercury. Planetary and Space Science58 (BepiColombo special issue, ISS 1-2), 238-278.
Ferencz, Cs. (2010): Overview of Hungarian space activity: Plenty of potential, not enough support.Space Policy26 (2), 105-108.
doi: 10.1016/j.spacepol.2010.02.006 HTML
Ferencz Cs. (2010): Az űrtevékenység helyzete és trendje napjainkban (1. rész).Híradástechnika65 (01-02).
ISSN 0921-8181
Ferencz Cs. (2010): Az űrtevékenység helyzete és trendje napjainkban (2. rész).Híradástechnika65 (03-04).
ISSN 0921-8181
Chassefiere, E., Korablev, O., Imamura, T., Baines, K. H., Wilson, C. F., Titov, D. V., Alpin, K.L., Balint, T., Blamont, J. E.,
Cochrane, C. G., Ferencz, Cs., Ferri, F., Gerasimov, M., Leitner, J. J., Lopez-Moreno, J., Marty, B., Martynov, M., Pogrebenko, S. V.,
Rodin, A., Whiteway, J. A., Zasova, L. V., Michaud, J., Bertrand, R., Charbonnier, J.-M., Carbonne, D., Raizonville, P. and the EVE Team (2009):
European Venus Explorer (EVE): an in-situ mission to Venus. Experimental Astronomy23, 741-760. doi:10.1007/s10686-008-9093-x
ISSN 0922-6435
Clilverd, M.A., Rodger, C.J., Thomson, N.R., Brundell, J.B., Ulich, T., Lichtenberger, J., Cobbett, N., Collier, A.B., Menk, F.W., Seppala, A., Verronen, P.T. and Turunen E. (2009):
Remote sensing space weather events: the AARDDVARK network
. Space Weather, 7, S040001, doi: 10.1029/2008SW000412
Collier, A.B., Delport, B., Hughes, A.R.W., Lichtenberger J., Steinbach P. and Oster, J. (2009):
Correlation between Global Lightning and Whistlers observed at Tihany.
Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013863
ISSN 0148-0227
Ferencz, O. E., Bodnár, L., Ferencz, Cs., Hamar, D., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P., Korepanov, V., Mikhaylova, G., Mikhaylov, Yu., Kuznetsov, V. (2009): Ducted whistlers propagating in higher order guided mode and recorded on board of Compass-2 satellite by the advanced Signal Analyzer and Sampler SAS2. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, A03213, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013542
ISSN 0148-0227
Galambos Cs., Timár G., Székely B. (2009): GPS-navigáció történeti és modern földtani térképeken. Földtani Közlöny139(1): 93-100.
ISSN 0015-542X
Kiss P., Csabai I., Lichtenberger J., Jánosi I.(2009): Kozmikus sugárzás, időjárás, éghajlat: hol a hiányzó láncszem?
Fizikai Szemle, 2009/7-8, 238-243
Lichtenberger, J. (2009): A new whistler inversion method. Journal of Geophysical Research,114, A07222, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013799
ISSN 0148-0227
Molnár, G., Timár, G. (2009): Mosaicking of the 1:75000 sheets of the Third Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica44(1), 115-120. PDF
ISSN 1217-8977
Molnár, G., Podobnikar, T., Timár, G. (2009): Mozaičenje listov kart merila 1:75000 tretje vojaške izmere Avstro-Ogrske. Geodetski vestnik53(3), 459-468. PDF
ISSN 0351-0271
Rodger, C. J., Lichtenberger, J., McDowell, G, and Thomson, N. R. (2009): Automatic Whistler Detection: Operational Results from New Zealand. Radio Science, 44, RS2004, doi: 10.1029/2008RS003957
ISSN 0048-6604#337
Székely, B. (2009): Rediscovering the old treasures of cartography - what an almost 500-year-old map can tell to a geoscientist. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica44(1), 3-16. PDF
ISSN 1217-8977
Timár, G. (2009): System of the 1:28800 scale sheets of the Second Military Survey in Tyrol and Salzburg. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica44(1), 95-104. PDF
ISSN 1217-8977
Zlinszky, A., Molnár, G. (2009): Georeferencing the first bathymetric maps of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica44(1), 79-94. PDF
ISSN 1217-8977
Lichtenberger J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P.(2008): Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer system: Automatic Whistler Detector. J. Geophys. Res., 113, A12201, doi:10.1029/2008JA013467 Abstract
ISSN 0921-8181
Bartos-Elekes, Zs., Timár, G., Rus, I. (2008): Historical cadastral maps of Cluj-Napoca. Geographia Technica3(1), 1-6. PDF
ISSN 1842-5135
Dowden, R.L., R.H. Holzworth, C.J. Rodger, J. Lichtenberger, N.R. Thomson, A.R. Jacobson, E. Lay, J.B. Brundell, T.J. Lyons, S. O'Keefe, Z. Kawasaki, C. Price, V. Prior, P. Ortega, J. Weinman, Y. Mikhailov, R. Woodman, X. Qie, G. Burns, A. Collier, O. Pinto Junior, R. Diaz, C. Adamo, E.R. Williams, S. Kumar, G.B. Raga, J.M. Rosado, E.E. Avila, M.A. Clilverd, T. Ulich, P. Gorham, T.J.G. Shanahan, T. Osipowicz, G. Cook, and Y. Zhao (2008): World-Wide Lightning Location Using VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide,IEEE Antennas and Propagation Mag., 50(5), 40-60
Dowden, R.L., R.H. Holzworth, C.J. Rodger, J. Lichtenberger, N.R. Thomson, A.R. Jacobson, E. Lay, J.B. Brundell, T.J. Lyons, S. O'Keefe, Z. Kawasaki, C. Price, V. Prior, P. Ortega, J. Weinman, Y. Mikhailov, R. Woodman, X. Qie, G. Burns, A. Collier, O. Pinto Junior, R. Diaz, C. Adamo, E.R. Williams, S. Kumar, G.B. Raga, J.M. Rosado, E.E. Avila, M.A. Clilverd, T. Ulich, P. Gorham, T.J.G. Shanahan, T. Osipowicz, G Cook, and Y. Zhao (2008): World-Wide Lightning Location Using VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide, Radio Science Bulletin, No327 ISSN 0048-6604#337
Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., E. Ferencz O., Hamar D., Bodnár L., Steinbach P., Korepanov V., Mikhajlova G., Mikhajlov Y., Kuznetsov D. (2008): A SAS2 ULF-VLF elektromágneses hullám elemző műszer a Kompasz-2 műhold fedélzetén. Híradástechnika63(4), 15-23 Abstract
ISSN 0921-8181
Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., E. Ferencz O., Hamar D., Bodnár L., Steinbach P., Korepanov V., Mikhajlova G., Mikhajlov Y., Kuznetsov D. (2008): Test of the SAS2 ULF-VLF electromagnetic wave analyzer in space environment - on board of the Compass-2 satellite. Infocommunications Journal63(7), 21-29
ISSN 0018-2028
Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Borbás, É., Barcza, Z., Gelybó, Gy., Pongrácz, R., Ferencz, Cs. (2008):
Estimation of vertically integrated water vapor in Hungary using NOAA AVHRR and MODIS imagery.Advances in Space Research, 41/11, 1933-1945. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2007.06.048
Molnár G., Timár G., Székely B. (2008): Lázár térképének georeferálásáról. Geodézia és Kartográfia60(4), 26-30. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G. (2008): Habsburg geodetic and cartographic activities in the Old Romania. Studii şi Cercetări, Geologie-Geographie [Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bistriţa]13, 93-102.
ISSN 1582-5167
Timár, G., Székely, B., Molnár, G., Ferencz, Cs., Kern, A., Galambos, Cs., Gercsák, G., Zentai, L. (2008): Combination of historical maps and satellite images of the Banat region – re-appearance of an old wetland area.Global and Planetary Change62(1-2), 29-38. Abstract
ISSN 0921-8181
Timár, G. Gábris, Gy. (2008): Estimation of water conductivity of the natural flood channels on the Tisza flood-plain, the Great Hungarian Plain. Geomorphology98(3-4), 250-261. Abstract
ISSN 0169-555X
Timár G., Molnár G. (2008): A harmadik katonai felmérés térképeinek georeferálása. Geodézia és Kartográfia60(1-2), 23-27. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G. Kovács, B., Bartos-Elekes, Zs., Păunescu, C. (2008): The Dealul Sibiului base point of the Transylvanian surveys. Geographia Technica3(1), 127-134. PDF
ISSN 1842-5135
Timár G., Molnár G., Székely B., Plihál K. (2008): Lázár térképe és a ptolemaioszi vetület. Geodézia és Kartográfia60(7), 20-26. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Biszak, S., Varga, J., Jankó, A. (2008): Planurile celei de-a doua ridicări topografice şi varianta lor georeferenţiată. Revista de Geodezie, Cartografie şi Cadastru17(1-2), 3-15. PDF
ISSN 1454-1408
Zöldföldi, J., Székely, B. (2008): Quantitative Fabric Analysis (QFA) on marble from West Anatolia: Application of raster- (fractal) and vector-based (geometric) approaches.British Archelolgical Reports, International Series1746, 413-420.
ISBN 978-1-4073-0188-4
Clilverd, M. A., Seppälä, A., Rodger, C. J.,Thomson, N. R., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. (2007): Temporal variability of the descent of high-altitude NOX inferred from ionospheric data.Journal of Geophysical Research112, A09307 Abstract
ISSN 0148-0227
Danišík, M., Kuhlemann, J., Dunkl, I., Székely, B., Frisch, W. (2007): Burial and exhumation of Corsica (France) in the light of fission track data.
Tectonics, 26, TC1001. Abstract
ISSN 0278-7407
Dombrádi, E., Timár, G., Bada, G., Cloetingh, S., Horváth, F. (2007): Fractal dimension estimations of drainage network in the Carpathian-Pannonian system. Global and Planetary Change58, 197-213. Abstract
ISSN 0921-8181
Ferencz, O. E., Ferencz, Cs., Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger, J., Hamar, D., Parrot, M., Lefeuvre, F., Berthelier, J.-J. (2007):
The effect of subionospheric propagation on whistlers recorded by the DEMETER satellite - observation and modelling.
Annales Geophysicae25, 1103-1112. PDF
ISSN 0992-7689
Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P., Ferencz, O. E., Hamar, D. (2007):
EM wave analysis, in Hungarian National Report on IAGA.
Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung.42, 202-204.
ISSN 1217-8977
Karátson D., Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs., Székely B. (2007): Miért kanyar alakú? A Dunakanyar kialakulása az évmilliós vulkáni formák és az évszázezredes folyóvízi erózió tükrében. Földrajzi Közlemények55(4), 289-302.
ISSN 0015-5411
Rus, I., Bartos-Elekes, Zs., Constantinescu, S., Crăciunescu, V., Timár G., Ovejanu, I. (2007): A few considerations regarding the Romanian cartographic development at the beginning of the 20th century. Geographia Technica2(2), 56-61. PDF
ISSN 1842-5135
Székely B., Molnár G., Roncat, A. (2007): Domborzat- és felületmodellek teljes jelalakos légi lézerszkenneléssel. Geodézia és Kartográfia59(12), 8-13. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G. (2007): GPS navigáció történeti topográfiai és kataszteri térképeken. Geodézia és Kartográfia59(5), 22-26. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Biszak S. (2007): Budapest 1938 előtti nagyméretarányú térképeinek georeferálása. Geodézia és Kartográfia59(8-9), 47-51. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Galambos, Cs., Czimbalmas-Szabó, Z., Molnár, G. (2007): Forest cover changes on the catchment of the Békény/Belcina Creek (Gyergyó-Gheorgheni Basin, Eastern Carpathians) from the 18th century to nowadays. Studii şi Cercetări, Geologie-Geographie [Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bistriţa]12, 111-116.
ISSN 1582-5167
Timár G. (2007): A ferrói kezdőmeridián. Geodézia és Kartográfia59(12), 3-7. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Szaharai porcsóvák és porjelenségek a Földközi-tenger felett - Űrfelvételek az ELTE műholdvevő állomásáról. Földrajzi Közlemények55(4), 361-371.
ISSN 0015-5411
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Imecs, Z., Păunescu, C. (2007): Datum and projection parameters for the Transylvanian sheets of the 2nd and 3rd Military Surveys. Geographia Technica2(1), 83-88. PDF
ISSN 1842-5135
Clilverd, M. A., Seppälä, A., Rodger, C. J.,
Thomson, N. R., Verronen, P. T., Turunen, E., Ulich, T.,
Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. (2006):
Modeling polar ionospheric effects during the
October-November 2003 solar proton events. Radio
Science, 41, RS2001. Abstract
ISSN 0048-6604
Collier, A. B., Hughes, A. R. W., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. (2006):
Seasonal and diurnal variation of lightning activity over southern Africa
and correlation with European whistler observations. Annales Geophysicae,
24, 529 - 542. Abstract
ISSN 0992-7689
Kumar, Manoj, Vikram Singh, Birbal Singh, Steinbach, P. , Lichtenberger, J., Hamar, D. (2006): Day-night, seismic, and solar flare effect on the propagation of 24 kHz sub-ionospheric VLF transmitter signals. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth31(4-9), 416-421. Abstract
ISSN 1474-7065
Karátson, D., Németh, K., Székely, B., Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Zs., Pécskay, Z. (2006):
Incision of a river curvature due to exhumed Miocene volcanic landforms: Danube Bend, Hungary. Int. J. Earth Sci.95, 929-944. Abstract
ISSN 1437-3262
Ferencz, O. E., Ferencz, Cs. (2006):
New directions in the wave propagation theory.Híradástechnika61 (7), 3-7.
ISSN 0018-2028
E. Ferencz O., Ferencz Cs. (2006):
Új utakon a hullámterjedés leírása.Híradástechnika61 (4), 2-6.
ISSN 0018-2028
Ferencz Cs., E. Ferencz O., Lichtenberger J., Székely B., Steinbach P., Bodnár L. (2006):
Élet egy csillag szomszédságában.Híradástechnika61 (4), 29-33.
ISSN 0018-2028
Lichtenberger J., E. Ferencz O., Bodnár L., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P. (2006): Változóban a Föld-képünk. Híradástechnika61 (4), 51-53.
ISSN 0018-2028
Szafián P., Timár G., Horváth F. (2006): Régi adat nem vén adat - Az Eötvös-ingás
mérési eredmények újraélesztéséről.Magyar Geofizika, 46(4), 146-151.
ISSN 0025-0120
Székely B., Molnár G., Pattantyús Á. M. (2006): Különböző leletfelderítési módszerek találkozása térben és időben Badacsonytomajon (Villa Rustica).Archeometriai Műhely, 3 (3), 31-40. PDF
ISSN 1786-271X
Timár G., Markovinović D., Kovács B. (2006): Az ivanicsi (ivanić-i) rendszer paraméterezése a térinformatikai
alkalmazásokban. Geodézia és Kartográfia58(8), 27-31. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Székely B., Molnár G., Biszak S. (2006): Lipszky János térképének (Magyarország és társországai, 1804-1810)
georeferálása térinformatikai alkalmazásokban. Geodézia és Kartográfia58(10), 13-17. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Kern A., Molnár G., Székely B., Pásztor Sz. (2006):
MODIS-adatvétel az ELTE műholdvevő állomásán. Geodézia és Kartográfia58(11), 11-15. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Molnár G., Székely B., Biszak S., Kovács B., Markovinović D., Kuhar, M. (2006):
A második katonai felmérés horvátországi szelvényeinek georeferálása. Geodézia és Kartográfia58(12), 30-35. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Horváth F., Bada G., Windhoffer G., Csontos L., Dombrádi E., Dövényi P., Fodor L., Grenerczy Gy., Síkhegyi F., Szafián P., Székely B., Timár G., Tóth L., Tóth T. (2006): A Pannon-medence jelenkori geodinamikájának atlasza.Magyar Geofizika, 47 (4), 133-137.
ISSN 0278-7407
Ferencz O. E. (2005): Full-wave solution of short impulses in inhomogeneous plasma.Pramana Journal of
Physics, 64(2), 1-20.
ISSN 0304-4289
Fodor L., Bada G., Csillag G., Horváth E., Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs., Palotás K., Síkhegyi F.,
Timár G., Cloethingh S., Horváth F. (2005):
An outline of neotectonic structures and morphotectonics of the western and central Pannonian Basin.Tectonophysics, 410, 15-41. Abstract
ISSN 0040-1951
Kuhlemann J., Székely B., Frisch W., Danišik M., Dunkl I., Molnár G., Timár G. (2005):
DEM analysis of mountainous relief in a crystalline basement block: Cenozoic relief generations in Corsica (France).
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N. F., 49, 1-21.
ISSN 0372-8854
Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Székely, B., Dunkl, I., Danisík, M., Krumrei, I. (2005): Würmian maximum glaciation
in Corsica.Austrian J. Earth Sci., 97, 68-81.
ISSN 0251-7493
Karátson D., Timár G. (2005): Comparative volumetric calculations of two segments of the Carpathian Neogene/Quaternary
volcanic chain using SRTM elevation data: implications for erosion and magma output rates.Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N. F., Suppl.-Vol. 140, 19-35. PDF
ISSN 0372-8854, ISBN 3-443-21140-2
Rodger, C. J., Clilverd, M. A., Thompson, N. R., Nunn, D., Lichtenberger, J. (2005): Lightning driven inner radiation belt energy deposition into the atmosphere: regional and global estimates. Annales Geophysicae23(4): 3419-3430. PDF
ISSN 0992-7689
Timár G., Sümegi, P., Horváth, F. (2005):
Late Quaternary dynamics of the Tisza River: Evidence of climatic and tectonic controls. Tectonophysics, 410, 97-110. Abstract
ISSN 0040-1951
Timár G. (2005): Az alluviális folyók alaktípusai és a típusok kialakulásának feltételei.Hidrológiai Közlöny, 85(1), 1-10.
ISSN 0018-1323
Timár G., Telbisz T. (2005): A meanderező folyók alakváltozása és az alakváltozás sebessége. Hidrológiai Közlöny, 85(5), 48-54.
ISSN 0018-1323
Zöldföldi, J., Székely, B. (2005): Quantitative fabric analysis and fractal analysis of marbles from
West-Anatolia and Troy.Geoarchaeol. Bioarchaeol. Stud., 3,113-118.
ISSN 1571-0750
Zöldföldi, J., Székely, B. (2005): Provenance of Roman and Greek marble building stones of Troy (Turkey). Geoarchaeol. Bioarchaeol. Stud., 3, 123-128.
ISSN 1571-0750
Ferencz Cs., Bognár P., Lichtenberger J., Hamar D., Tarcsai Gy., Timár G., Molnár G.,
Pásztor Sz., Steinbach P., Székely B., E. Ferencz O., Ferencz-Árkos I. (2004):
Crop yield estimation by satellite remote sensing.International Journal of Remote Sensing,
25(20), 4113-4149. Abstract
ISSN 0143-1161
DOI: 10.1080/01431160410001698870
Singh, R. P., Rajesh Singh, Lalmani, Hamar, D., Lichtenberger, J. (2004):
Application of matched filtering to short whistlers recorded at low latitudes.Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66, 407-413.
ISSN 1364-6826
Ferencz Cs. (2004): Real solution of monochromatic wave propagation in inhomogeneous media.PRAMANA - Journal of Physics, 62(4), 943-955.
ISSN 0304-4289
Kalpana Singh, Ferencz O.E. (2004): Simulation of whistler mode propagation for low latitude stations.Earth Planet Space, 56, 979-987.
Erhardtné dr. Ferencz O. (2004): Impulzus-terjedés vizsgálata vákuummal
kitöltött csôtápvonalon.Híradástechnika59(1), 19-24.
ISSN 0018-2028
Erhardtné Ferencz O. és Ferencz Cs. (2004): Elektromágneses impulzusok
terjedésének vizsgálata különbözô
közegekben.Híradástechnika59(5), 18-24.
ISSN 0018-2028
Ferencz Cs., E. Ferencz O., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J. és Steinbach P. (2004):
Az elektromágneses hullámterjedési mérések és modellek szerepe az űrkutatásban.Híradástechnika59(5), 25-29.
ISSN 0018-2028
Ferencz O.E. (2004): Short impulse propagation in inhomogeneous plasma.Híradástechnika,
ISSN 0018-2028
Ferencz O.E. (2004): Short impulse propagation in wave-guides.Híradástechnika "Communications",
59(6), 2-6.
Székely, B., Karátson, D. (2004):
DEM-based morphometry as a tool for reconstructing primary volcanic landforms:
examples from the Börzsöny Mountains, Hungary. Geomorphology, 63(1-2), 25-37.
ISSN 0169-555X DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2004.03.008
Molnár G., Timár G. (2004): A legjobb vizszintes illeszkedést biztosító Molodensky-paraméterek
meghatározása azonos pontok adatai alapján.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 56(4), 9-13. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Molnár G., Păunescu C., Pendea F. (2004): A második és harmadik katonai felmérés
erdélyi szelvényeinek vetületi és dátumparaméterei.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 56(5), 12-16. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Aunap, R., Molnár, G. (2004): Eestis kasutatud ajalooliste daatumite teisendusparametrid.Geodeet [Tartu], 28(52), 23-26.
ISSN 1406-9431
Timár G., Lévai P., Molnár G., Varga J. (2004): A második világháború német katonai térképeinek
koordinátarendszere.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 56(6), 28-35.
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Aunap, R., Molnár, G. (2004): Datum transformation parameters between the historical
and modern Estonian geodetic networks.Estonia - Geographical Studies, 9, 99-106. HTML
ISSN 1406-6092
Timár, G. (2004): GIS integration of the second military survey sections - a solution
valid on the territory of Slovakia and Hungary.Kartografické listy, 12, 119-126. HTML
ISSN 1336-5274
Szabó M., Timár G., Győri H. (2004): A Csicsói-holtág (Alsó-Csallóköz) kialakulása és fejlődése -
a tájhasználat és a vizes élőhelyek változásai.Tájökológiai Lapok, 2, 267-286. Abstract
ISSN 1589-4673
Timár G. (2004): Space and GIS technology in palaeoenvironmental analysis.Antaeus, 27, 135-144.
ISSN 0238-0218
Timár G., Jankó A. (2004):
A második katonai felmérés pest-budai szelvényének
fedvény-egységesítése (szemlecikk).Geodézia és Kartográfia, 56(11), 36-37. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Zöldföldi J., Székely B. (2004): Kísérlet a nyugat-anatóliai tektonikai egységek kvantitatív textúraelemzésen
alapuló szétválasztására régészeti származásvizsgálati szempontból.Archeometriai Műhely,1(1), 22-26.
ISSN 1786-271X
Zöldföldi J., Pintér F., Székely B., Taubald H., T. Biró K., Mráv Zs., Tóth M., Satir M.,
Kasztovszky Zs., Szakmány Gy. (2004): Római márványtöredékek vizsgálata a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum gyűjteményéből. Archeometriai Műhely,1(1), 39-45.
ISSN 1786-271X
Bognár P. (2003):
Correction of the effect of Sun-sensor-target geometry in NOAA AVHRR data.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(10), 2153-2166. Abstract
ISSN 0143-1161
DOI: 10.1080/01431160210154065
Timár, G. (2003): Controls on channel sinuosity changes: a case study of the Tisza River,
the Great Hungarian Plain.Quaternary Science Reviews, 22, 2199-2207. Abstract
ISSN 0277-3791
Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Bognár P., Molnár G., Steinbach P., Timár G.
(2003): Műholdvevő állomás az ELTE Környezetfizikai
Tanszékcsoportján.Geodézia és kartográfia, 55(9), 30-33. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Varga J., Székely B. (2003): Ismeretlen paraméterezésű valódi kúpvetületen
készült térkép térinformatikai rendszerbe integrálása.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55(2), 8-11. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Molnár G., Márta G. (2003): A budapesti sztereografikus, ill. a régi magyarországi
hengervetületek és geodéziai dátumaik paraméterezése a térinformatikai gyakorlat számára.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55(3), 16-21. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Molnár G. (2003): A második katonai felmérés térképeinek közelítő vetületi és
alapfelületi leírása a térinformatikai alkalmazások számára.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55(5), 27-31. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Urban, P. (2003): Aproximace Krovákova zobrazení pro území Ceské Republiky
Lambertovým konformním kuzelovým zobrazením pro potreby GIS.ArcRevue [Prága],
12(2), 24-25. HTML
ISSN 1211-2135
Timár G., Kubány Cs., Molnár G. (2003): A magyarországi Gauss-Krüger-vetületű katonai topográfiai
térképek dátumparaméterei.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55(7), 20-24. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Danisík, M. (2003): Aproximácia Krovákovho zobrazenia Lambertovým konformným
kuzelovým zobrazením na území Slovenska pre potreby GIS a GPS.Kartograficke listy, 11, 100-102. HTML
ISSN 1336-5274
Timár G., Telbisz T., Székely B. (2003): Űrtechnológia a digitális domborzati modellezésben:
az SRTM adatbázis.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 55(12), 11-15. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G. (2003): A felszínsüllyedés hatása a Közép-Tisza hidrológiai viszonyaira.Vízügyi Közlemények85(1), 147-160.
ISSN 0042-7616
Sümegi P., Timár G., Molnár S., Herbich K. (2003): Föld, ember, folyó kapcsolata az újkőkorban - a
folyóvölgyek szerepe a Kárpát-medence első termelő kultúrájának megjelenésében és megtelepedésében.Hidrológiai Közlöny83(4), 224-228.
ISSN 0018-1323
Timár G. (2003): Az Alföld nagyfelbontású digitális domborzati modellje.Geodézia és Kartográfia55(4), 19-23. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Sümegi P., Kertész R., Timár G., Herbich K. (2003):
Palaeoenvironmental factors and Neolithization process of
the Carpathian Basin: some aspects of a new geoarchological model. In: P. Cattelain (ed.):
Acts of the XIVth Union Int. of Prehistoric and Protohistoric
Sciences, Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001, Section 1: Theory and methods.
British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 1145, 135-141.
ISBN 1-84171-018-0
Székely, B. (2003): The Eastern Alps in an envelope - an estimation on the "missing volume". N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh.,230(2-3), 257-275.
ISSN 0077-7749
Timár G., Molnár G., Pásztor Sz. (2002): A WGS84 és HD72 alapfelületek közötti transzformáció
Molodensky-Badekas-féle (3 paraméteres) meghatározása a gyakorlat számára.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 54(1), 11-16. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Molnár G., Timár G. (2002): Az EOV-koordináták nagypontosságú közelítése Hotine-féle
ferdetengelyű Mercator-vetülettel.Geodézia és Kartográfia, 54(3), 18-22. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár G., Molnár G. (2002): A HD72-->ETRS89 transzformáció szabványosítási problémái.Geodézia és Kartográfia54(12), 28-30. PDF
ISSN 0016-7118
Timár, G., Rácz, T. (2002): The effects of neotectonic and hydrological processes on the flood hazard
of the Tisza region (East Hungary). In: Cloetingh, S. A. P. L., Horváth, F., Bada, G., Lankreijer, A. (eds.):
Neotectonics and surface processes: the Pannonian Basin and Alpine/Carpathian System.
EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 3, 267-275. PDF
ISBN 3-966586-06-3
Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Székely, B., Dunkl, I., Kázmér, M. (2002): Post-collisional sediment budget
history of the Alps: tectonic versus climatic control.Int. J. Earth Sci.,91(5), 818-837.
ISSN: 1437-3254 DOI: 10.1007/s00531-002-0266-y
Clilverd M.A., Rodger C.J., Thomson N.R., Lichtenberger J., Steinbach P., Cannon P. and Angling M.J. (2001):
Total solar eclipse effect on VLF signals: Observations and modelling.Radio Science, 36, 773-788.
ISSN 0048-6604
Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Dunkl, I., Székely, B. (2001): The Dachstein paleosurface and the Augenstein
Formation in the Northern Calcareous Alps - a mosaic stone in the geomorphological evolution of the Eastern Alps. Int. J. Earth Sci., 90(3), 500-518.
ISSN: 1437-3254 DOI: 10.1007/s005310000189
Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Dunkl, I., Székely, B. (2001): Quantifying tectonic versus erosive denudation
by the sediment budget: the Miocene core complexes of the Alps. Tectonophys.,330(1-2), 1-23.
ISSN 0040-1951
DOI: 10.1016/S0040-1951(00)00209-2
Karátson, D., Csontos, L., Harangi, Sz., Székely, B., Kovácsvölgyi, S. (2001): Volcanic successions and the
role of destructional events in the Western Mátra Mountains, Hungary: implications for the volcanic structures. Géomorph. Rel. Proc. Env.,2001(2), 79-92.
ISSN 1266-5304
Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Dunkl, I., Székely, B., Spiegel, C. (2001): Miocene shifts of the drainage
divide in the Alps and their foreland basin.Z. Geomorph. N. F.,45, 239-265.
ISSN 0372-8854
Maros Gy., Pásztor Sz. (2001): New and oriented core evaluation method: IMAGEO.European Geologist12, 40-43.
ISSN 1028-267X
Steinbach, P., Juhász, L., Koronczay, D., Ferencz, O., Bór, J., Lichtenberger, J., (2018): Evaluation of latitude dependent time of
trans-ionospheric ELF/VLF impulse propagation and LEO incident directions., 8th Biennal VERSIM Workshop, 19-25 March 2018, Apatity, Russia PDF
Kern, A., Marjanovic, H., Barcza, Z. (2017): Characterization of extreme years in Central
Europe between 2000 and 2016 according to specific vegetation characteristics based on Earth Observatory data.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 7825-1, General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union.
Vienna, Austria, 23-28, April, 2017. EGU2017-7825-1
Kern, A., Marjanovic, H., Bognár, P., Pásztor, Sz., Barcza, Z. (2017):
Applications of a MODIS-adjusted NDVI3g dataset in Central Europe between 1982 and 2013.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, 7990, General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union. Vienna, Austria, 23-28, April, 2017. EGU2017-7990.
Klimov, S., Grushin, V., Novikov, D., Pilipenko, V., Belyakova, L., Rodin, V., Georgieva K., Kirov, B., Ferencz, Cs., Szegedi, P., Korepanov, V.,
Belyayev, S., Marusenkov, A., Dudkin, D. and Pronenko, V. (2016):
Monitoring of Space Weather Electromagnetic Parameters in the Ionosphere. Project's: "Chibis-M", "Obstanovka (1 stage)", "Vernov".Proceedings of Eight Workshop "Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere", pp. 101-109.
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, May 30 - June 3, 2016.
Kern, A., Bognár, P., Pásztor. Sz., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. and
Ferencz, Cs. (2016): Műholdas távérzékelés az ELTE Űrkutató
Csoportjában.In: Kutatási és operatív feladatok meteorológusként. A
Meteorológus TDK 2016. évi Nyári Iskola előadásainak összefoglalói.
Egyetemi Meteorológiai Füzetek, 27., pp. 77-80.
ISSN 0865-7920
Steinbach, P., , Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, O., Ferencz, Cs., (2016): Fingerprints of sub-ionospheric propagation in whistler fine structures - results of a UWB modelling approach
., 7th Biennal VERSIM Workshop, 19-23 Sep 2016, Hermanus, RSA PDF
Steinbach, P., , Lichtenberger, J., Koronczay, D., Ferencz, Cs., Rodger, C., Clilverd, M., Collier, A., (2016): Occurrence of two-hop whistlers in the AWD results - a new aspect in whistler statistics
., 7th Biennal VERSIM Workshop, 19-23 Sep 2016, Hermanus, RSA PDF
Klimov, S.I., L.M. Zelenyi, V.N. Angarov, V.G. Rodin, V.N. Nazarov, D.I.
Novikov, N.A. Eismont, A.P. Papkov, V.E. Korepanov, P. Szegedi and Cs.
Ferencz (2015):
Results and prospects of fundamental space research on
microsatellite realizable in the ISS infrastructure.J. Aeronaut Aerospace Eng. 2015, 3:3 p.100.
International Conference and Exhibition on Satellite August 17-19, 2015 Houston, USA.
ISSN 2168-9792
Kern, A., Bognár, P., Pásztor, Sz., Barcza, Z., Timár, G.,
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., (2015): Monitoring the state of
vegetation in Hungary using 15 years long MODIS Data.
General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union. Vienna, Austria,
12-17 April, 2015. EGU2015-A-13613, Vol. 17, 13613.
Cs. Ferencz, J. Lichtenberger, P. Szegedi, P. Steinbach, O. Ferencz and D. Koronczay (2015):
Space Weather investigations by in-situ and ground based measurements.
1st International Conference on Research Technology and Education of Space, Budapest, Hungary, 13 February.
In: H-Space, 2015, edited by K. Kovács., p 33-34.
L.M. Zelenyj, Klimov, S.I., V.N. Angarov, V.N. Nazarov, V.G. Rodin, A.A. Suhanov, O.V. Batanov, V.M. Gotlib, A.V. Kaliuzhnij,
V.N. Karedin, V.M. Kozlov, I.V. Kozlov, N.A. Eismont, A.A. Ledkov, D.I. Novikov, V.E. Korepanov, L. Bodnár, P. Szegedi,
Cs. Ferencz, A.P. Papkov and A.A. Lizunov (2015):
Projekt mikrosputnik "Chibis-M". Opit sozdania i realizacii. Rotaprint IKI RAN. Issledovanie solnechno-zemnih svjazei
na mikro-, nano- i pikosputnikah. Materiali nauchnoi sessii Sekcii solnechno-zemnih svjazei Sovieta po kosmosu
Rossiyskoy Akademni Nauk. Pod red. Ulena-korrespondenta RAN A.A Petrukovicha. Serii "Mechanika, upravlenie i informatika"
Moscow, IKI RAN, 2015, 91-118.
Cs. Ferencz, P. Steinbach, P. Szegedi, M.V. Dósa and O.E. Ferencz (2014):
First results on CHIBIS VLF monitoring operation in Space Weather application.
Chibis 2nd Scientific Workshop, IKI, Moscow, Russia, Febr. 3-6, 2014.
P. Steinbach, Cs. Ferencz, J. Lichtenberger, O.E. Ferencz and P. Szegedi (2014):
Results of waveform analysis in CHIBIS SAS3 burst VLF records.
Chibis 2nd Scientific Workshop, IKI, Moscow, Russia, Febr. 3-6, 2014.
Bries, K., Bankov, L., Crespon, F., Dudkin, D., Ferencz Cs., Girenko, A., Korepanov, V., Kuzmych, A., Lizunov, G., Marinov, P., Piankova, O., Price, I., Przepiorka, D., Rothkaehl, H.,
Shtus, T., Steinbach P., Sterenharz, A. and Vassileva, A. (2013):
Project POPDAT: concept and first results. Geophysical Research Abstract15, EGU2013-4274.
Bankov, L., Bries, K., Crespon, F., Dudkin, D., Ferencz Cs., Girenko, A., Korepanov, V., Kuzmych, A., Lizunov, G., Marinov, P., Piankova, O., Price, I., Przepiorka, D., Rothkaehl, H.,
Shtus, T., Steinbach P., Sterenharz, A. and Vassileva, A. (2013):
POPDAT-project opportunities in studying the ionosphere wave-like density structures. Geophysical Research Abstract15, EGU2013-8986.
J. Lichtenberger, Cs. Ferencz, D. Hamar, P. Steinbach, A. Collier, C. Rodger and M. Clilverd (2012):
Automatic determination of nose frequency and time of initiating sferic of whistlers.
39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India. Abstracts ISSN-1815-2619.
Collier, Andrew, Craig J. Rodger, Mark Clilverd, Já Lichtenberger, and Brett Delport (2012):
Narrowband VLF observations as validation of Plasmaspheric model.
39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India. Abstracts ISSN-1815-2619
Delport, Brett, Andrew Collier, János Lichtenberger, and Reiner Friede (2012):
Twin Whistler Pairings.
39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India.
Jorgensen, Anders, János Lichtenberger, Daniel Ober, Athanasios Boudouridis, Eftyhia Zesta, Aaron Ridley, Aron Dodger, Mark Moldwin,
Reiner Friedel, Mark Clilverd, Balázs Heilig, Massimo Vellante, Jyrki Manninen, C. J. Rodger, Andrew Collier,
Jan Reda, and Robert Holzworth (2012):
Comparing Electric Field Models through Data Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model.
39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India. Abstracts ISSN-1815-2619
Darrouzet, F., S. Ranvier, H. Lamy, J. De Keyser, and J. Lichtenberger (2012):
Whistlers detected by the Belgian vlf antenna of Humain.
5th VERSIM Workshop Sao Paulo, Brazil (3 - 6 September 2012) Program and Abstracts, Pg. 37.
Steinbach, P., J. Lichtenberger, and Cs. Ferencz (2012):
Comparative analysis of spheric activity and fractional hop whistler occurrence rates in long term, automated detected event series.
5th VERSIM Workshop Sao Paulo, Brazil (3 - 6 September 2012) Program and Abstracts, Pg. 31.
Klimov, S.I., Korepanov, V.E., Grushin, V.A., Skalskyi, A.A., Bodnár, L. and Ferencz Cs. (2012):
Plasma-wave Studies in the Solar Wind and the Terrestrial Ionosphere.
Program for ISU's 16th annual International Symposium, "Sustainability of space activities: international issues and potential solutions". Session 3: Space Weather.
ISU Central Campus, Strasbourg, 21-23 February, 2012.
B. Heilig, Lichtenberger, J., M. Clilverd, M. Vellanate, J. Manninen, C. Rodger, A. Collier, A. Jorgensen, J. Reda, R. Holzworth and R. Friedel (2011):
Global Ground Based VLF and ULF Networks for Modeling the Plasmasphere and Space Weather Events - PLASMON Eighth European Space Weather Week.
Namur, Belgium, 28 November - 2 December, 2011. Eighth European Space Weather Week Final Programme and Abstract Book, Pg. 45
Lichtenberger, J., C. Ferencz, D. Hamar, P. Steinbach, C. J. Rodger, M. A. Clilverd and A. B. Collier (2011):
Automatic retrieval of plasmaspheric electron densities: First results form automatic whistler detector and analyzer network.
30th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey (13 - 20 August 2011), XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium Program Book, Pg 72, 2011
Lichtenberger, J., C. Ferencz, D. Hamar, P. Steinbach, C. J. Rodger, M. A. Clilverd and A. B. Collier (2011):
Plasmaspheric electron densities: first results from Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer Network.
25th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Melbourne, Australia (28 June - 7 July 2011), IUGG Programme Handbook, Pg 206, 2011
Bognár P. (2011): A növénytakaró állapotának vizsgálata kisfelbontású
műholdas adatok alapján. "Nyitott rendszerek" konferenciakiadvány, p33., Dobogókő, 2011. júl. 1-2.
Molnár G., Balázs L., Bognár P. és Timár G. (2011): Geofizikai paraméterbecslés - elméleti
megfontolásoktól a gyakorlati alkalmazásig. "Nyitott rendszerek" konferenciakiadvány, p34., Dobogókő, 2011. júl. 1-2.
Klimov, S., Zelenyj, L., Novikov, D., Bodnár, L., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J. and Korepanov, V. (2010):
Plasma - Wave Process Manifestation in the Ionosphere and the Space Weather Parameters. Overview if the "Chibis-M".
Programme and Abstracts, pp. 41-42.
Thunderstorms and Elementary Particles Acceleration TERA'2010, International Conference Center, Nor Amberd, Armenia, Sept. 6-11, 2010.
M.A. Clilverd, J. Lichtenberger and N. Cobbett (2009): The automatic whistler detector: preliminary results from Rothera (Antarctica). 208-FRI-O1115-0718, Abstracts of IAGA 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
A.B. Collier, J. Lichtenberger, A.R.W. Hughes, C.J. Rodger, G. McDowell and J.R. Downs (2009): Correlation analysis of Dunedin whistlers and global lightning. 208-FRI-O1130-0380, Abstracts of IAGA 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
Ferencz, Cs. (2009): General characteristics of new, full wave modeling methods in the magnetospheric propagation. 303-FRI-01645-0223 Abstracts of IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron (Hungary) august 23-30 2009.
Ferencz, O.E (2009): The influence of the loss on the signal-form in the interplanetary/earth’s atmosphere. 306-THU-01130-0285 Abstracts of IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron (Hungary) august 23-30 2009.
D. Hamar, Cs. Ferencz, P. Steinbach, J. Lichtenberger, O. E. Ferencz and M. Parrot (2009): Comparison the hyperfine structure of whistlers measured simultaneously on ground station and on board of DEMETER satellite. 208-FRI-O1530-0233, Abstracts of IAGA 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
B. Heilig, J. Lichtenberger, P. Sutcliffe, J. Verő, P. Bencze, L. Merényi, A. Csontos, P. Kovács and C. Ndiitwani (2009): Solar cycle and seasonal variation of plasma mass density inferred from ULF and VLF observations at low latitudes. 208-FRI-O1415-0319, Abstracts of IAGA 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
V. Korepanov, A. Marusenkov, S. Belyayev, S. Klimov, L. Zelényi, D. Novikov, Cs. Ferencz, J. Lichtenberger, L. Bodnár (2009):
Earth observation microsatellite "Chibis". 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 12-16 October, 2009.
IAC-09-B1.1.11 (publication on CD)
Lichtenberger, J and the AWDANet team (2009): Real-time monitoring of plasmasphere electron density profiles and
ionosphere-plasmashere coupling fluxes by Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer systems’ network (AWDANet). Geophysical Research Abstracts11:EGU2009-9797. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
J. Lichtenberger, Cs. Ferencz, L. Bodnár, D. Hamar, P. Steinbach, A. Hughes, A. Collier, C., Rodger, M. Clilverd, T. Raita, T. Turunen, J-P. Raulin, E. Correia, U. Inan and D. Golden (2009): Monitoring the cold electron density of the plasmasphere by automatic whistler detector and analyzer systems' network (AWDANet). 208-FRI-O1100-0201, Abstracts of IAGA 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
Kovács, B., Timár, G. (2009): The Austro-Hungarian Triangulations in the Balkan Peninsula (1853–1875). In: Gartner, G., Ortag, F. (eds.): Proceedings of the First ICA Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe 2009, Vienna University of Technology, 911-921. PDF
Molnár G., Timár G., Ferencz Cs. and Lichtenberger J. (2009): Soil humidity monitoring using MODIS HKM and 1KM bands. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 11, 13649
Steinbach P., Lichtenberger J., Ferencz Cs. (2009): Survey of energetic particle precipitation - automatic detection of enhanced transient ionisation in the mesosphere using subionospheric narrow band VLF signals. 205-WED-O1645-0284, Abstracts of IAGA, 11th SA, 23-20 August, 2009, Sopron, Hungary.
Timár, G. (2009): The fundamental points of the Second Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire.Geophysical Research Abstracts11: 02652. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Plihál, K. (2009): The Map of Lazarus (1528) of Hungary and the Ptolemian projection. In: Gartner, G., Ortag, F. (eds.): Proceedings of the First ICA Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe 2009, Vienna University of Technology, 683-693. PDF
Bartos-Elekes, Zs., Rus, I., Timár, G. (2008): The geodetic basis of the Romanian historical topographic maps in Lambert-Cholesky projection.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 00428. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Bata, T., Székely, B., Karátson, D. (2008): Determination of morphometric parameters of scoria cones in San Francisco Volcanic Field (USA, Arizona).Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 05631. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Biró, K., T., Székely, B., Bradák, B., Medzihradszky, Zs. (2008): Environmental and geoarchaeological studies at Vörs-Máriaasszony sziget site, SW Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 12194. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Biszak, S., Timár, G. (2008): Georeferenced gazetteers based on historical Central European topographic maps.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01498. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Bodnár, L., Szegedi, P., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs. (2008): VR2 - A general purpose sampler and wave analyzer. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Chassefiere, E., Korablev, O., Imamura, T., Baines, K.H., Wilson, C.F., Titov, D.V., Aplin, K.L., Balint, T., Blamont, J.E., Cochrane, C.G., Ferencz, Cs., Ferri, F., Gerasimov, M., Leitner, J.J., Lopez-Moreno, J., Marty, B., Martynov, M., Pogrebenko, S., Rodin, A., Whiteway, J.A., Zasova, L.V. and the EVE team (2008): European Venus Explorer: an in-situ miision to Venus using a balloon platform. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-00000 EGU General Assembly 2008
Chassefiere, E., Korablev, O., Imamura, T., Baines, K.H., Wilson, C.F., Titov, D.V., Aplin, K.L., Balint, T., Blamont, J.E., Cochrane, C.G., Ferencz, Cs., Ferri, F., Gerasimov, M., Leitner, J.J., Lopez-Moreno, J., Marty, B., Martynov, M., Pogrebenko, S., Rodin, A., Whiteway, J.A., Zasova, L.V. and the EVE team (2008): Understanding the evolution of Venus and its climate with relevance to terrestrial planets everywhere . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-00000 EGU General Assembly 2008
Clilverd, M. A., Rodger, C. J., Thomson, N. R., Ulich, T., Lichtenberger, J., Collier, A. B. (2008): Remote sensing space weather events through ionospheric radio: the aardvark network U.R.S.I. XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA August 7-16 H03.5
Clilverd, M. A., Rodger, C. J., Lichtenberger, J., the AARDDVARK team (2008): Remote sensing space weather events: the AARDDVARK network. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Collier, A. B., Hughes, A. R. W., Bremner, S., Delport, B., Lichtenberger, J., McDowell, G., Rodger, C. (2008): Whistler-lightning correlations: significant or coincidence. U.R.S.I. XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA August 7-16 EGH.9.
Collier, A. B., Hughes, A. R. W:, Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. (2008): Whistler-lighting correlations: tetrachoric index and similarity measures. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Draganits, E., Zámolyi, A., Székely, B., Timár, G., Molnár, G. (2008): Reconstruction of the Neusiedlersee (Austria/Hungary) based on historical topographic maps from 1507 to present.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 08644. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, E.O., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., Korepanov, Mikhailov, G., Mikhailov, Y., Kuznetzov, V.D. (2008): First results of the analysis of data of the SAS2 E.M. of Compass-2 satellite U.R.S.I. XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA August 7-16 H03.6.
Ferencz, O. E., Steinbach, P., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Hamar, D., Berthelier, J. J., Lefeuvre, F., Parrot, M., Korepanov, V., Mikhajlova, G., Mikhajlov, Yu., Kuznetzov, V. D. (2008): Guided transient signals in space plasmas - theory and observation.In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Galambos, Cs., Timár, G. (2008): Comparison of maps of Goetz & Probst (1804) and J. Lipszky (1804-10) of Hungary – a step forward in projection accuracy.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 04679. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Hamar, D., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Steinbach, P., Parrot, M. (2008): The effect of the ionosphere on VLF wave propagation by LEO (Demeter and Compass) satellite measurements.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 09819. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Hamar, D., Cs. Ferencz, L. Bodnár, P.Steinbach, J. Lichtenberger, O.E. Ferencz, M. Parrot(2008): High accuracy analysis of whistlers measured on ground stations and LEO (Demeter and Compass) satellites. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Heilig, B., Kovács, P., Lichtenberger, J., Reda, J., Pajunpää, K., Raita, T. (2008): Comparison of equatorial plasma mass density and electron density at L=1.85 inferred from ULF and VLF measurements. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Juhász, Gy., Molnár, G., Ferencz, Cs., Timár, G., Székely, B. (2008): Environmental monitoring and disaster predicting service based on HRPT, CHRPT and MODIS satellite data.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 07271. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kázmér, M., Kóródy, G., Székely, B. (2008): Rates of sheet erosion and gully head retreat compared - a study on growth rings in deciduous tree roots in tectonically active areas.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 05183. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kázmér, M., Sho, K., Sugimoto, O., Oka, S., Asami, R., Yamada, T., Iryu, Y., Székely, B. (2008): Annual record of environmental history in corals and tree-rings – a land-sea correlation at Ogasawara Islands, Japan.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 05216. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kern, A., Barcza, Z., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Timár, G., Ferencz, Cs. (2008): Analysis of MODIS NDVI time series for Hungary in 2007: detecting the phenological impacts of the summer heatwave.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 05083. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kern, A., Barcza, Z., Timár, G., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R. (2008): Analysis of NDVI time series in Hungary using wavelet transform.EMS8/ECAC7 Abstracts5: 00596. Abstract
Kovács, B., Timár, G. (2008): The Habsburg triangulations of the Balkan Peninsula (1853-1875) and the Habsburg and Serbian topographic maps based on them.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01183. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kovács, G.; Zámolyi, A.; Székely, B.; Papp, S. (2008): Tectonically induced drainage system in the Western Pannonian Basin.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 04354. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Steinbach, P., Hamar, D., Hughes, A., Collier, A., Rodger, C., Clilverd, M. (2008): Automatic retrieval of plasmaspheric electron density profiles from whistler data.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 07614. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Ferencz, O. E., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., Rodger, C. (2008): Obtaining plasmapheric electron density profiles: a new whistler inversion model. U.R.S.I. XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA August 7-16 HP-01.1.
Lichtenberger, J., Cs. Ferencz, L. Bodnár, P. Steinbach, D. Hamar, A.R.W. Hughes, A.B. Collier, C.J. Rodger, M.A. Clilverd (2008): A new whistler inversion model. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 9789632840178
Lichtenberger, J., Cs. Ferencz, L. Bodnár, P. Steinbach, D. Hamar, A.R.W. Hughes, A.B. Collier, C.J. Rodger, M.A. Clilverd (2008): Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer: retrieval of plasmaspheric electron density profilesfrom whistler data. In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 9789632840178
Molnár, G. (2008): Making a map mosaic using the 1:75,000 scale sheets of the Third Survey of the Habsburg Empire.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01568. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Pathe, C., Wagner, W., Hollaus, M., Doubkova, M., Naeimi, V., Bartsch, A., Székely, B. (2008): The EO-NatHaz project – remotely sensed soil moisture for assessment of natural hazards in the Austrian Alps.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 07518. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Podobnikar, T., Székely, B. (2008): A method for automatic outlining of talus cones from digital elevation data based on sectorial histograms.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 04888. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Rodger, C. J., Lichtenberger, J., McDowell, G., Dowwns, J. R., Thomson, N. R. (2008): Automatic whistler detection: operational results from New Zealand. U.R.S.I. XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA August 7-16 H01.1
Salamon, M., Székely, B., Kerschner, H. (2008): Glacier volume changes depending on exposition and altitude in the Zillertal Alps, Austria/Italy.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 10510. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Steinbach, P., Ferencz , Cs., Lichtenberger , J., Hamar , D., Ferencz , O.E., Berthelier , J.J., Lefeuvre , F., Parrot , M. (2008): Determining the incident directions of whistlers recorded on board of the DEMETER LEO satellite – a geomagnetic latitude dependent wave propagation character in the ionosphere.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 06894. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger , J., Ferencz, Cs. (2008): Survey of enhanced transient ionization regions in the mesosphere - results of an automated event detection procedure on perturbed subionospheric narrow band VLF signals. In: Verronen, P.T. (ed.): 1st International HEPPA Workshop 2008, Helsinki, 28-30 May 2008, Abstract book., p.69. PDF
ISSN 0782-6079 ISBN 978-951-697-672-6
Steinbach, P., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Hamar, D., Ferencz, O.E., Parrot, M. (2008): Incident directions of fractional-hop whistlers recorded at LEO - meridional, oblique wave propagation in the ionosphere.
In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs. (2008): Decade of narrow-band VLF observations in Hungary - first results of an automated detection algirithm of enhanced ionization patches in the mesosphere.
In: Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz Cs., Steinbach P., (eds.): 3rd VERSIM Workshop 2008, Tihany, 15-20 Sep 2008, Abstract book.
ISBN 978-963-284-017-8
Székely, B. (2008): Rediscovering the old treasures of cartography – What an almost 500-year-old map can tell to a geoscientist (solicited).Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 11315. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Király, E. (2008): Casualties and winners of the Bologna process in geoscience: Changes in the field practicals due to the transition from five-year MSc curriculum to BSc+MSc curricula – a case study from Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 05094. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Molnár, G. (2008): Do the post-Miocene volcanic features really mark a single paleoaltitude in the Transdanubian Range (Pannonian basin)?Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 11566. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Molnár, G., Danišík, M., Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W. (2008): A parameter estimation approach in interpreting fission track ages: a case study of Corsica, France.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 11474. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Dunkl, I. (2008): Interplay between uplift and tectonic preformation: a Surface Processes Modelling attempt for the Inntal Fault (Eastern Alps).Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 11519. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Zámolyi, A., Draganits, E., Briese, Ch. (2008): Geomorphic expression of neotectonic activity in a low relief area in Airborne Laser Scanning DTM – a case study of the Little Hungarian Plain.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 10899. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Hollaus, M., Aubrecht, Ch., Weichselbaum, J., Steinnocker, K. (2008): Assessment of natural hazard damage potential and risk exposure using airborne laser scanning – a case study from Vorarlberg, Austria.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 09811. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Timár, G., Frisch, W., Kázmér, M., Kuhlemann, J., Meschede, M., Dunkl, I. (2008): Dynamical similarities between the relief evolution of the orogens and the cyclonal patterns – Weather fronts in the upper mantle?Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 07332. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G. (2008): Geodetic basis and sheet structure of the Second Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire – The problems of Tyrol and Salzburg, and the unified geodetic datum of the survey (solicited).Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01535. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G. Faure Ragani, P. (2008): GPS navigation on historical topographic and cadastral maps in Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01308. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Kern, A. (2008): Emission-induced rime pattern in the Low Countries and NW Germany, 20-22 Dec 2007, in MODIS satellite images.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01315. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Pišút P. (2008): Changes of the sinuosity of the Morava River (western Slovakia) and their neotectonic origin.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 00003. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Pišút P. (2008): The development and cut-off of the Čičov/Csicsó and Nagybajcs oxbow lakes, Danube River, Slovakia/Hungary – indicators of a quickly variable riverine environment.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01097. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Petrovszki, J. (2008): Pre-regulation planform of the Körös/Criş River system (Hungary/Romania) in the maps of the Second Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire (1857-61).Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01705. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Kern, A., Molnár, G., Németh, Á., Konkoly-Bihari, Z., Szalai, S., Bognár, P., Virágh, P. (2008): Leaf loss and wildfires in the central Hungarian forests during the July 2007 heat wave in MODIS satellite images.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 01394. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Kern, A., Székely, B., Molnár, G. (2008): ’Satellite image of the week’: an Internet-based educational series for increase the public awareness for natural hazards – a case history from Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 03408. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Zámolyi, A., Székely, B., Draganits, E., Timár, G. (2008): Neotectonic control on landscape evolution in the Little Hungarian Plain. Journal of Alpine Geology49: 119-120.
ISSN 1563-0846
Zlinszky, A., Székely, B., Clement, A. (2008): Comparing sediment load and deposit thickness values in the eastern embayment of shallow Lake Balaton, Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts10: 06101. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G. (2007): Separated estimation of the shift, rotation and scale parameters of the Burša-Wolf transformation.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 01796. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Székely, B. (2007): Anisotropic influence of leafless deciduous forests on SRTM DEM reliability in mid-latitude slopes: a case study of two Hungarian sites.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 02018. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Biszak, S., Jankó, A. (2007): Projection and datum parameters of the second military survey of the Habsburg Empire (1806-1869) for GIS data integration purposes.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 02867. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Kern, A., Barcza, Z., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Molnár, G., Székely, B. (2007): MODIS and HRPT satellite images of some characteristic and unusual cyclonal and anticyclonal meteorological situations of Europe in 2006.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 03206. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Molnár, G., Timár, G., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J. (2007): Land Surface Temperature (LST) estimation algorithm for MODIS data.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 03460. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Jakab, G., Sümegi, P., Timár, G. (2007): A palaeochannel evolution history from Hajós-kaszálók Mire in Danube alluvial plain in the southern part of Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06268. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Sümegi, P., Törőcsik, T., Timár, G. (2007): A palaeochannel evolution history from Vörös Marsh in Danube alluvial plain in the southern part of Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06284. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Somodi, I., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Pásztor, Sz., Bognár, P. (2007): Developing remote sensing tools for monitoring the condition of forests in the Pannonian basin: Classification of the forest types using MODIS QKM and HKM bands.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06301. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Zámolyi, A., Székely, B., Timár, G., Draganits, E. (2007): Quantitative river channel analysis based on georeferenced historical maps - documenting vertical movements in the Little Hungarian Plain.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06624. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Salamon, M., Székely, B., Timár, G., Molnár, G., Biszak, S. (2007): A GIS-assisted reconstruction and 3D data integration of Eastern Alpine glaciers using satellite imagery and georeferenced historical and archive maps.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08014. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Horváth, F., Bada, G., Sztanó, O., Szafián, P., Timár, G. (2007): Topography of the Pannonian basin: a key to understand basin evolution.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08443. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Szafián, P., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Danišík, M., Dunkl, I. (2007): ATHMEA: A three-dimensional model of the Eastern Alps.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08663. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Dunkl, I. (2007): An old problem revisited: What do fission track ages of sediments tell us?Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10914. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Dobre, F., Kuhlemann, J., Székely, B. (2007): Application of remote sensing and GIS-methods for the regional climatic characterisation of the high mountain region of Corsica, France.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10196. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Hampton, S. J. (2007): DEM-aided volcanic reconstruction and collapse recognition of degraded Miocene volcanic edifices: a case history of Lyttelton Volcano, New Zealand.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10295. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kázmér, M., Kóródy, G., Székely, B. (2007): Dendrochronological and GIS methods in monitoring areal erosion - Bátaapáti, Mecsek Hills, Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 09596. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kóródy, G., Kázmér, M., Székely, B. (2007): Estimating runoff and maximum flood on dtm by the Raindrop program for the Bátaapáti nuclear waste repository, Hungary.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 09421. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Danišík, M., Dunkl, I. (2007): Glaciation cycles, sediment production, isostasy, and fluvial response: are the valleys in the Eastern Alps deep enough?Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08798. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kuhlemann, J., Yildiz, H., Székely, B., Taubald, H. (2007): Isotope fractionation trends of surface waters in the mountains of Corsica (western Mediterranean).Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10476. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Zlinszky, A., Molnár, G., Horváth, A., Hámori, Z., Székely, B. (2007): Mapping of lacustrine sediment thickness and water depth of the Lake Balaton.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10273. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Lichtenberger, J. (2007): Determination of plasmapause position with Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer system.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 7390. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Komoróczi, Z., Székely, B., Molnár, G., Catt, L., Booth, A., Dövényi, P. (2007): Multimethod geophysical study of anomalous light-grey stripes in Quaternary sediments revealed by archive aerial photography.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10711. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Telbisz, T., Karátson, D., Székely, B. (2007): Morphometric reconstruction of the San Francisco Mountain, Arizona by high-resolution Digital Elevation Model.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10313. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Szafián, P., Bada, G., Vincze, O., Székely, B. Spiess, V. (2007): Neotectonic analysis of high resolution seismic data, Lake Balaton, Pannonian basin.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 03600. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Dövényi, P., Molnár, G., Székely, B., Ferencz, E., Galsa, A., Lenkey, L., Horváth, F. (2007): Neotectonic interpretation of geophysical measurements in the Balatonfő region.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10288. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kósik, Sz., Karátson, D., Székely, B. (2007): Volcaniclastic successions in the Visegrád Mountains, Hungary: stratigraphy and facies relationsips on 3D digital elevation models.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10251. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Ferencz, O. E., Steinbach, P., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Berthelier, J. J., Lefeuvre, F., Parrot, M. (2007): Guided UWB transient phenomena in anisotropic plasmas.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10248. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, O. E., Steinbach, P., Hamar, D. (2007): Monitoring of the planetary electromagnetic environment.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10222. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Hamar, D., Ferencz, O. E., Berthelier, J. J., Lefeuvre, F., Parrot, M. (2007): Parallel evaluation of spaceborne and ground-based VLF recordings: Comparative study of lightnings, spherics and whistlers in DEMETER data.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10036. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Hamar, D., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P., Ferencz, Cs., Berthelier, J. J., Lefeuvre, F., Parrot, M. (2007): Recent results on fine structure analysis of whistlers recorded onboard of LEO satellites.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10191. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Wilson, C.; Chassefière, E. ; Aplin, K. ; Ferencz, Cs.; Imamura, T.; Korablev, O.; Leitner, J.; Lopez-Moreno, J.; Titov, D.; Witasse, O. (2007): The Venus Entry Probe mission proposal.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 09997. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Hughes, A. R. W., Collier, A. B., Rodger, C. J., Clilverd, M. A. (2007): Automatic whistler detector and analyzer system network: a new tool for real-time monitoring of plasmasphere. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Lemperger, i., Heilig, B., Kis, Á., Lichtenberger, J., W. Magnes, Prodán, T., Szendrői, J., Vellante, M., Wesztergom, V. (2007): A statistical analysis of simultaneous Pc3 pulsation and whistler activity. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Clilverd, M. A., Seppl, A., Rodger, C. J., Thompson, N. R., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P. (2007): Temporal variability of the descent of the high-altitude nox inferred from ionospheric data. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Lichtenberger, J. (2007): Automatic whistler detector: Operational results from New Zealand. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Pongrácz, R., Bartholy, J., Borbás, É., Barcza, Z., Ferencz, Cs. (2007): Comparison of the different integrated water vapor estimations based on MODIS and ECMWF data for Hungary. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Gelybó, Gy., Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Barcza, Z., Ferencz, Cs. (2007): Remotely sensed atmospheric profiles for the Carpathian Basin. XXIV. IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007.
Iványi, M., Tassi, G., Timár, G. (2007): The Danube islands and mainstream bridges to them. In: Iványi, M., Bancila, R. (eds): 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube, „Bridges in Danube Basin”, Műegyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 49-60.
Zámolyi, A., Székely, B., Timár, G., Draganits, E. (2007): Geomorphologic and drainage network analysis at the western margin of the Little Hungarian Plain. In: Houseman, G., Horváth, F. (eds.): Collision and extension in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian system, Siófok, September 14-16, 2007, Abstract volume, p. 35.
Klimov ., Korepanov, V., S. Belyayev, Cs. Ferencz, K. Georgieva, M.-P. Gough, J. Juchniewicz, B. Kirov, J. Lichtenberger, J. Z. Nagy, H. Rothkaehl,
G. Stanev, S. Szalai, L. Bodnár, J.E.S Bergman, K.Stasiewicz and A. Marusenkov (2006):
International Space Station: study of near-surface environment. IAC-06-B4.3.09, 57th International Astronautical Congress, Spain, Valencia, 2006
Ferencz, O. E., Ferencz, Cs., Steinbach, P. (2006): Ducted and free-space UWB propagation of transient signals in space environment.European Space Agency, Special Publication626: 5.
ISSN 1609-042X
Kenderes K., Standovár T., Timár G., Molnár G., Pataki Zs. (2006): Application of stereo aerial photographs to study natural gap dynamics in a beech forest.
In: Koukal, T., Schneider, W. (eds.): 3D Remote Sensing in Forestry, International Workshop, Vienna, 14-15 Feb 2006, 337-340.
Pišút, P., Timár G. (2006): A csallóközi
(Žitný ostrov) Duna-szakasz elmúlt 500 éves változása a
hidro-klimatikus változások és az emberi beavatkozás következtében.
In: Kázmér M.(ed.): A Környezettörténet 2006 Konferencia előadásainak
összefoglalói. Az Általános Földtani Szemle Könyvtára2, 48-49.
ISSN 1787-6192, ISBN 963-87015-2-8
Székely B., Molnár G., Timár G. (2006):
Lázár deák és a folyódinamika - térképezési
hibák vagy valós mederváltozás?
In: Kázmér M.(ed.): A Környezettörténet 2006 Konferencia előadásainak
összefoglalói. Az Általános Földtani Szemle Könyvtára2, 67-70.
ISSN 1787-6192, ISBN 963-87015-2-8
Timár G., Galambos Cs., Molnár G., Czimbalmas-Szabó Z. (2006):
Forest cover changes on the catchment of the Békény Creek
(Gyergyó/Gheorgheni Basin, Eastern Carpathians)
from the 18th century to nowadays.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 04556. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Borbás, É., Barcza, Z., Gelybó, Gy., Pongrácz, R., Ferencz, Cs. (2006):
Estimation of vertically integrated water vapor in Hungary using NOAA AVHRR and MODIS imagery.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 07169.
ISSN 1029-7006
Gelybó, Gy., Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Barcza, Z., Pongrácz, R., Randriamampianina, R., Ferencz, Cs. (2006):
Processing and application of NOAA/ATOVS data at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 07263.
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Székely B., Molnár G. (2006):
Estimation of the maximum Holocene water level of the Lake Balaton (Hungary) based on geomorphic maps and geodetic
uplift rate indicators.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 04495. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Székely B., Molnár G., Ferencz Cs., Kern A., Galambos Cs., Bognár P.,
Lichtenberger J., Pásztor Sz., Steinbach P. (2006):
MODIS satellite images of the 2005 Banat centennial flood event, Romania - reappearance of an old wetland area. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 04800. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G. (2006): Decrease of the flood conveying capacity of the Middle Tisza River, Hungary, due to the regional surface deformation.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 05701. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely B., Molnár G., Timár G., (2006): Tabula Hungariae (1528): Errors in mapping or surface evolution rearranging the watercourses?Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 04854. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Molnár G., Timár G., Ferencz Cs., Székely B., Lichtenberger J., Sallai K. (2006):
Land Surface Temperature (LST) estimations in the Pannonian Basin using MODIS satellite data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 06588. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Sümegi P., Timár G., Törőcsik T. (2006):
A palaeochannel evolution history from Late Glacial to Middle Age in Jászság area in Hungary. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 04566. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Pásztor Sz., Bognár P., Ferencz Cs., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J., Molnár G., Steinbach P.,
Székely B., Timár G., Ferencz O. (2006):
Cross-calibration of AVHRR-MVISR and AVHRR-MODIS greenness data.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 06528. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Dombrádi E., Timár G., Bada G., Horváth F., Cloetingh, S. (2006):
Fractal characteristics of drainage network in the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 06393. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Danisík, M.; Kuhlemann, J.; Dunkl, I.; Székely, B.; Frisch, W. (2006):
Fission track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology of Corsica (France). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 07622. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Molnár, G.; Komoróczi, Z.; Székely, B. (2006):
Reconstructing Roman road network in Pannonia using anaglyph technology of rectified archive aerial photographs. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09788. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Karátson, D.; Székely, B. (2006): Amphitheatre valleys on volcanoes: characterization, evolution, Surface Processes Modelling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09648. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Ferencz, Cs.; Steinbach, P.; Ferencz, O.E.; Lichtenberger, J.; Hamar, D.; Székely, B.; Berthelier, J.J.; Lefeuvre, F.; Parrot, M. (2006):
Anomalistic wave propagation phenomena in whistler waveforms detected on wide-band VLF recordings of the DEMETER satellite. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09841. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Karátson, D.; Székely, B.; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Zs. (2006):
Geomorphic evolution of the Danube Bend, Hungary, due to paleovolcano exhumation and river incision. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09678. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kóródy, G; Kázmér, M; Székely, B. (2006):
Dendrochronological and GIS methods in the monitoring of the linear erosion near Bátaapáti. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09542. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Molnár, G.; Székely, B.; Dövényi, P.; Horváth, F.; Ferencz, E.; Lipovics, T. (2006):
Multimethod geophysical surveying of active tectonic setting of Balatonfő line, Hungary: a case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09812. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely, B.; Molnár, G. (2006):
Watershed reorganization in Külső-Somogy, Hungary: insights from Surface Processes Modelling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, 09837. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Unger Z., Timár G. (2006): Morfológiai hasonlóságok szerkezetföldtani jelentősége. In: Wanek F., Prokop Z. (eds.): Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság, VIII. Bányászati-Kohászati-Földtani Konferencia, Sepsiszentgyörgy, 2006. április 6-9., p. 325.
Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Gelybó, Gy., Pongrácz, R., Juhász, H., Ferencz, Cs., Barcza, Z., Dezső, Zs. (2006): Polar orbiting satellite receiving station at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. (Poster) The 8th Conference on Meteorology - Climatology and Atmospheric Physics. COMECAP 2006. Athens, Greece. May 24-26, 2006.
Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Gelybó, Gy., Borbás, É., Woolf, H. M., Barcza, Z., Pongrácz, R., Ferencz, Cs. (2006): Comparing different algorithms for estimating satellite-besed vertically integrated water vapor for Central/Eastern Europe. Committee os Space Research, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16 - 23 July, 2006. Abstract COSPAR2006-A-03203.
Kern, A., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Barcza, Z., Gelybó, Gy., Ferencz, Cs.(2006): A légköri vízgőz származtatása NOAA AVHRR, ATOVS és MODIS adatok alapján. (Abstract) In: Energiahordozók nyomában Pannon tájakon. (eds.: Kovács-Pálffy P. et al.) pp. 64-65. HUNGEO 2006, Pécs.
Chassefiere, E., Aplin, K., Ferencz, Cs., Lopez-Moreno, K., Leitner, J., Marty, B., Roos-Serote, M., Titov, D., Wilson, C., Witasse, O., THE VEP TEAM (2006): Post-Venus Express exploration of Venus: an in-situ mission to characterize Venus climate evolution. European Planetary Science Congress 2006 Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 Abstarct EPSC2006-A-00038.
Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, j., Ferencz, O. E., Steinbach, P. (2006): Opportunity and benefits of monitoring of the electromagnetic environment of a planet. European Planetary Science Congress 2006 Berlin, Germany, 18-22 September 2006 Abstarct EPSC2006-A-00105.
Molnár G., Timár G. (2005):
Determination of the parameters of the abridging Molodensky formulae providing the best horizontal fit. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 01018. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Molnár G., Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Székely B., Pásztor Sz., Bognár P. (2005):
Deforestation as a primary cause of the recent flood peaks in the Pannonian Basin? - Counter-evidences
from the Upper Tisza catchment.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 01032. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Kis K., Kenyeres A. (2005): Short-wavelength component of the geoid: a possible indicator of the isostatic character. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 02636. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Gábris Gy. (2005): Fluvial meander generations and abandoned river channels of the Great Hungarian Plain on the SRTM elevation dataset.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 03907. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Székely B., Molnár G. (2005): Definition of a map grid system for minimum distortion representation of the topography of the planet Mars. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 04931. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Kázmér M., Mikes T., Benkő Z., Kovács I., Pocsai T., Prohászka A.,
Krolopp E., Fekete N., Timár G., Székely B. (2005):
Small-scale Quaternary flexural basins in the Carpathian-Pannonian system: the
Transdanubian Sárrét Basin as an example. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 09450. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Székely B., Molnár G., Ferencz E., Dövényi P., Krumrei I., Timár G. (2005):
Swaths of topographic sink depressions interpreted as remnants of paleomeanders in the vicinity of Lake Balaton,
Hungary: evidences of young uplift or base level drop? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 09989. Abstract
ISSN 1029-7006
Molnár G., Székely B. (2005): The effect of the recent differential vertical movements on the course of the Cinca-Csíkgát Creek, Hungary: a case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 10294.
ISSN 1029-7006
G. Windhoffer, E. Dombrádi, F. Horváth, B. Székely, G. Bada, P. Szafián,
P. Dövényi, L. Tóth, Gy. Grenerczy, G. Timár (2005):
Geodynamic atlas of the Pannonian Basin and the surrounding orogens. In: B. Tomljenovic, D. Balen, I. Vlahovic
(eds.): 7th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, September 29-October 1 2005, Opatija, Croatia, Abstract Book,
Croatian Geological Society, Zagreb, 109. PDF
ISBN 953-6907-09-7
Unger Z., Timár G. (2005): Székelyföld és az Erdélyi-medence az SRTM domborzati modellen.
In: Wanek F. (ed.): Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság VII.
Bányászati-Kohászati-Földtani Konferencia, Nagyvárad, 2005. március
31-április 1., 110.
ISBN 973-7840-02-X
Ferencz Cs., Timár G., Kern A. (2005):
Erdély és a kapcsolódó területek MODIS űrfelvételeken.
In: Laczkó A. (ed.): VII. Székelyföldi Geológus Találkozó,
Csíkszereda, 2005. október 28-29., Abstract volume, 36.
Timár G., Galambos Cs., Czimbalmasné Szabó Z. (2005):
A Békény-patak (Gyergyói-medence) vízgyűjtőjének
erdőborítás-változása a XVIII. század végétől napjainkig.
In: Laczkó A. (ed.): VII. Székelyföldi Geológus Találkozó,
Csíkszereda, 2005. október 28-29., Abstract volume, 50-51.
Unger Z., Timár G. (2005):
Néhány szerkezeti-tektonikai következtetés Székelyföldre az SRTM domborzati
modell alapján.
In: Laczkó A. (ed.): VII. Székelyföldi Geológus Találkozó,
Csíkszereda, 2005. október 28-29., Abstract volume, 52.
Ferencz Cs., E. Ferencz O. (2005): New, general theory of monochromatic and short impulse propagation in
inhomogeneous media and in wave-guide structures. XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of
Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, October 23-29, 2005. Abstract no. COM2-01344-2005.
Lichtenberger J., Hamar D., Ferencz Cs., E. Ferencz O., Collier A., Hughes A.(2005):
What are the sources of whistlers? XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI),
New Delhi, October 23-29, 2005.
Hamar D., E. Ferencz O., Lichtenberger J., Ferencz Cs., Singh B., Singh R.P.(2005): Anomalistic phenomena
in whistler Waveforms: results of long propagation in earth-ionosphere waveguide.
XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, October 23-29, 2005.
Rodger C.J., Clilverd M.A., Thomson N.R., Nunn D., Lichtenberger J.(2005):
Global prediction of inner radition belt energy deposotion caused by lightning.
XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), New Delhi, October 23-29, 2005.
Ferencz Cs., Ferencz E. O. (2004): Impulse propagation problems and models in space and communication systems. Control, Communication and Network Systems, Technologies and Applications , XI, 172-179.
The 8th Woorld Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando, Florida, USA July 18-21, 2004)
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., Bodnár, L. (2004):
Automatic whistler detector and analyser system.Geophysical Research Abstract, 6, 01390.
ISSN 1029-7006
Lichtenberger, J. (2004): Ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling electron fluxes based on whistler measurements.Geophysical Research Abstract, 6, 02021.
ISSN 1029-7006
Karátson, D., Timár, G. (2004): Volumetry of two segments of the Carpathian Neogene/Quaternary
volcanic chain using SRTM elevation data: implications to magma output and erosion rates.International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth's Interior,
General Assembly 2004, Pucón, Chile. Abstract
Sümegi P., Bodor E., Juhász I., Hunyadfalvi Z., Herbich K., Molnár S., Timár G. (2004):
A Balaton déli partján feltárt régészeti lelőhelyek
környezettörténeti feldolgozása.MΩMOΣ, III.,
"Halottkultusz és temetkezés", Őskoros Kutatók
III. Összejövetelének konferenciakötete, 399-420.
Bada G., Horváth F., Fodor L., Timár G., Tóth L., S. Cloething (2004):
The societal aspects of ongoing deformation in the Pannonian Basin. In: N. Pinter, Gy. Grenerczy (eds.):
The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards. NATO
ARW, April 4-7, 2004, Veszprém, Hungary, Abstract volume, 20-25.
Timár G., Molnár G., C. Paunescu, F. Pendea (2004):
A második és harmadik katonai felmérés erdélyi lapjainak
vetületi és dátumparaméterei. In: Ferencz J. (ed.):
Erdélyi Magyar Műszaki Tudományos Társaság,
V. Földmérő Találkozó, 59-65.
ISBN 973-86852-2-2
Zámolyi A., Székely B., E. Draganits, Timár G., B. Grasemann, K. Petrakakis, C. Iglseder,
C. Rambousek (2004):
Tectonic geomorphology of Serifos (Cyclades, Greece). In: B. Hubmann, W. E. Piller (eds.):
Pangeo Austria 2004 - Beitragskurzfassungen.
Berichte des Institutes für Erdwissenschaften Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 9, 425-427.
ISSN 1608-8166
Sümegi P., Timár G., Herbich K., Molnár S. (2004):
The roles of the river valleys in the life of the Körös culture
in the Carpathian Basin. 32nd International Geological Congress, 2004, Abstract Volume part 1, 34. Abstract
Gábris Gy., Timár G., Somhegyi A., Nagy I. (2004):
Árvízi tározás vagy ártéri gazdálkodás a Tisza
mentén. In: Barton G., Dormány G. (eds.): II. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, Szeged,
2004. szeptember 2-4., Abstract CD. PDF
ISBN 963-482-687-3
Karátson D., Timár G. (2004):
Az Eperjes-Tokaji- és a Kelemen-Görgényi-Hargita vulkáni vonulat
összehasonlító térfogatszámítása SRTM-adatok alapján:
vulkanológiai és felszínfejlődési
következtetések. In: Barton G., Dormány G. (eds.): II. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, Szeged,
2004. szeptember 2-4., Abstract CD. PDF
ISBN 963-482-687-3
Sümegi P., Juhász I., Timár G., Daniel P., Kiss T., Szántó Zs.,
Szilágyi G., Sipos Gy. (2004):
A Bátorligeti-láp paleoökológiai vizsgálata.
In: Barton G., Dormány G. (eds.): II. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, Szeged, 2004. szeptember 2-4., Abstract CD.
ISBN 963-482-687-3
Szabó M., Timár G., Győri H. (2004):
A tájhasználat és a vizes élőhelytípusok változása a
térségében (Alsó-Csallóköz) a XIX. század
elejétől napjainkig. 1. Magyar
Tájökológiai Konferencia, Szirák, 2004. szeptember 17-19.,
Összefoglaló kötet, 24.
Unger Z., Timár G. (2004):
Székelyföld az űrből. In: Zólya L. (ed.): VI. Székelyföldi
Geológus Találkozó - A Székelyföld ásványvilága
(programfüzet), 9-10. Csíkszereda, 2004. október 22-24.
Lichtenberger, J. (2004): Automatic whistler detector and analyser system: new perspectives of an old tool. Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory Publications,96, 27.
Klimov, S.I., V.E.Korepanov, Yu.V.Lissakov, O.V.Lapshinova, I.V.Sorokin, S.Belyaev, G.A.Stanev, B.Kirov, K.Georgieva, M.P.Gough, H.S.C.K.Alleyne, M.Balikhin,
J.Lichtenberger, Cs.Ferencz, K.Szegő, S.Szalai, J.Bodnár, J.Juchniewicz and K.Stasiewicz(2003):
"Obstanovka" experiment onboard International Space Station - The use for Space Weather research.
Magnetospheric Response to Solar Activity, 9-12 September 2003, Prague Czech Republic, Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Book of Abstracts, p. 60.
Klimov, S.I., V.E.Korepanov, Yu.V.Lissakov, A.S.Belousov, O.V.Lapshinova, I.V.Sorokin, Yu.V.Afanasyev, S.Belyaev, G.A.Stanev, K.Georgieva, B.Kirov,
M.P.Gough, H.S.C.K.Alleyne, M.Balikhin, J.Lichtenberger, Cs.Ferencz, L.Bodnár, K.Szegő, S.Szalai, J.Juchniewicz and K. Stasiewicz (2003):
"OBSTANOVKA" experiment for space weather research on board the Russian segment of the ISS.
54th International Astronautical Congress, 29.09.-03.10.2003, Bremen, Germany, IAC-03-T. 4. 09 (on CD of 54 IAC).
Steinbach, P., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs. (2003): Case studies of possible earthquake
related perturbations on narrow band VLF time series.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 10943.
ISSN 1029-7006
Windhoffer G., Bada G., Horváth F., S. Cloethingh, Szafián P., Timár G. (2003):
Pull-apart basin evolution and fault reactivation: a case study of the Derecske through, Pannonian Basin.Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 04140. PDF
ISSN 1029-7006
Timár G., Sümegi P., Horváth F. (2003):
Late Quaternary dynamics of the Tisza River: evidence of climatic and tectonic controls. In: D. Ioane (ed.):
Abstract book of the 4th EGS Stephan Mueller Topical conference:
Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its foreland, 48-49.
Cheile Butii, Romania, 31 May-4 June, 2003. Abstarct
Sümegi P., Szilágyi G., Juhász I., Bodor E., Timár G., Gulyás S., Molnár A., Szántó Zs. (2003):
Alkalization: process and history of alkaline steppes in Hungary (Central Europe).
XVIth INQUA Congress, paper 35-13, 134. Reno, USA, 23-30 July, 2003. Abstract
ISBN 0-945920-51-2
Sümegi P., Geiger J., Magyari E., Gulyás S., Szántó Zs., Timár G. (2003):
Geohistory of an Upper Weichselian oxbow lake from Hungary (Central Europe).
XVIth INQUA Congress, paper 35-13, 134. Reno, USA, 23-30 July, 2003. Abstract
ISBN 0-945920-51-2
Fodor L., Horváth E., Ruszkiczay Zs., Síkhegyi F., Magyari Á., Novothny Á., Timár G., Unger Z. (2003):
Pliocene-Quaternary landform evolution of the Gödöllő Hills,
Central Hungary: competing aeolian to fluvial denudation, sedimentation and
tectonic forces.
XVIth INQUA Congress, paper 35-13, 134. Reno, USA, 23-30 July, 2003. Abstract
ISBN 0-945920-51-2
Ferencz Cs., Ferencz Á.I., Fehér A.(2002): Application of structure analyses in archeometry.
Proc. of the 31st Int. Synep. on Archeometry; "Archeometry 98", ed. by E. Jerem and K.T.Bíró,
Archieolingua - Ceu Ser. I., BAR International Series 1043(I), 263-266.
Klimov, S.I., Lissakov, Y.V., Belousov, A.S., Kalyuzhnui, A.V., Lapshinova, O.V., Sorokin, I.V., Belyaev, S., Korepanov, V.E., Stanev, G.A., Georgieva, K., Gough, M.P.,
Alleyne, H.S.C.K., Balikhin, M., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Szegő, K., Szalai, S., Juchniewicz, J. and Stasiewicz, K. (2002):
Use of Space Station infrastructure for space weather research.
Space Weather Workshop: Space Weather Applicatiuon Pilot Project (Abstract Book). 16-18 December 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Klimov, S.i., Korepanov, V.E., Lissakov, Y.V., Lapshinova, O.V., Sorokin, I.V., Belyaev, S., Stanev, G.A., Georgieva, K., Kirov, B., Gough, M.P.,
Alleyne, H.S.C.K., Balikhin, M., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Szegő, K., Szalai, S., Juchniewicz, J., Rothkaehl, H. and Stasiewicz, K.:
"Obstanovka" Experiment Onboard International Space Station for Space Weather Research.
Space Weather Workshop: Space Weather Applicatiuon Pilot Project. 16-18 December 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Paper
Dunkl I., Székely B. (2002): Component analysis of detrital FT ages - with visualization of the fitting.
International Workshop on Fission Track Analysis (El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Spain, June 4-7, 2002).
Geotemas,4, 63.
Székely B. (2002): A possible comparative technique for fission track measurements - a proposal.
International Workshop on Fission Track Analysis (El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Spain, June 4-7, 2002).
Geotemas,4, 155-156.
Ferencz Cs. Hamar D., Lichtenberger J., Ferencz O.E., Steinbach P. and Singh R.P. (2002):
Anomalistic phenomena in whistler propagation. URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, H.5.P.3 (1054)
Ferencz O.E. and Ferencz Cs. (2002): A new treatment of the propagation and reflection of electromagnetic signals.
URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, (1035)
Lichtenberger J., Bodnár L., Ferencz Cs., Ferencz O.E., Hamar D. and Steinbach P. (2001):
Automatic whistler detector. First results.IAGA-IASPEI, G2.07, 19-31 August 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam, 124.
Timár G., Székely B., Gábris Gy., Horváth F., Steinbach P. (2001):
Meander traces and Late Quaternary Subsidence on the Great Hungarian Plain. Journal of Conference Abstracts,
6, 179. Abstract
ISSN 1362-0886
Timár G., Rácz T. (2001):
Földtani folyamatok hatása a Tisza-völgy árvízi biztonságára.
"Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság Duna-Tisza medence víz- és
környezetvédelmi nemzetközi konferenciája", Pro Aqua, 511-520.
Debrecen, 2001. szeptember 19-21. PDF
Timár G., Székely B. (2001):
Sinuosity analysis of the Tisza River: Neotectonic indications for the Great Hungarian Plain. In: Bada G. (ed.):
Abstract book of the 3rd EGS Stephan Mueller Topical Conference:
Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 62. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001. Abstract
Timár G., Sümegi P., Geiger J., Szántó Zs., Bodor E. (2001):
Story of an oxbow lake: an outlook to the Holocene tectonics and climate of the Great Hungarian Plain.
In: Bada G. (ed.): Abstract book of the 3rd EGS Stephan Mueller Topical Conference:
Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 62. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001. Abstract
Palotás K., Síkhegyi F., Fodor L., Timár G. (2001):
Drainage pattern of SW Transdanubia, Hungary.
In: Bada G. (ed.): Abstract book of the 3rd EGS Stephan Mueller Topical Conference:
Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 48. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001. Abstract
Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Székely B., Dunkl I. (2001):
Neogene to recent landscape evolution in the Eastern Alps.Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 48. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001.
Székely B., Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Dunkl I. (2001):
Glaciation-induced relief enhancement vs. orogenic uplift: Results of DEM evaluation of the Eastern Alps. Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 48. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001.
Székely B., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Kázmér M., Dunkl I. (2001):
Lithospheric weather: "The answer is blowing in the wind..." Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 48. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001.
Fodor L., Horváth E., Magyari Á., Novothny Á., Ruszkiczay Zs., Síkhegyi F., Székely B., Timár G. (2001):
Tectonic and non-tectonic control of landform evolution, drainage
pattern in a loess-covered area (Gödöllő Hills, central Hungary): Complex
methodological approach.
In: Bada G. (ed.): Abstract book of the 3rd EGS Stephan Mueller Topical Conference:
Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment: New integrated approaches for environmental
management, 18. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001. Abstract
Kern, A., Bognár, P., Pásztor, Sz., Lichtenberger, J., Koronczay, D., Ferencz, Cs. (2017):
Estimation and forecast of winter wheat yield in Hungary using Direct Broadcast MODIS data (Lecture). CSPP/IMAPP Users' Group Meeting, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 27- 29 June 2017.
Kern, A., Pásztor, Sz., Bognár, P., Barcza, Z., Timár, G.,
Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P., Molnár, G., Ferencz, Cs., (2015):
Monitoring Vegetation Activity in Hungary using Direct Broadcast MODIS
data. CSPP/IMAPP Users Group Meeting. EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany,
14-16. April 2015.
Klimov, S.I., Aidakina, N.A., Vavilov, D.I., Gretschko, T.V., Grushin, V.A., Dudkin, D.F., Kozlov, I.V., Korepanov, Kostrov, V.A., Ledkov, A.A.,
Novikov, D.I., Szegedi P. and Ferencz Cs. (2015): Otrabotka na microsputnike "Chibis-M" metodiki issledovania vozdeistvia ionospheru
nagrevnovo stenda sura. Konferencia Plazma, IKI, Feb. 16-20, 2015.
Klimov, S.I., Zelenyi, L.M., Angarov, V.N., Nazarov, V.N., Gotlib V.M., Eismont N.A., Dolgonosov M.S., Karedin V.N., Novikov, D.I.,
Vavilov, D.I., Panasyuk M.I., Korepanov, V.E., Dudkin, D.F., Ferencz Cs. and Szegedi P. (2015):
Microsatellite "Chibis-M" (25.01.2012 - 15.10.2014). Results, lessons and prospects.
10th IAA Symposium on Small Sat, Berlin, Germany, April 20-24, 2015.
Bries, K., Bankov, L., Crespon, F., Dudkin, D., Ferencz Cs., Girenko, A., Korepanov, V., Kuzmych, A., Lizunov, G., Marinov, P., Piankova, O., Price, I., Przepiorka, D., Rothkaehl, H.,
Shtus, T., Steinbach P., Sterenharz, A. and Vassileva, A. (2013):
Ionosphere Waves Service - A demonstration. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Apr. 8-12, 2013.
Wellek M. (2012): ESA-tagságunk és a keleti nyitás előnyt jelentene az egész országnak - Interjú prof. dr. Ferencz Csabával.
Technika, 55/11, 38-40.
Lichtenberger, J., M. A. Clilverd, B. Heilig, M. Vellante, J. Manninen, C. J. Rodger, A. B. Collier, A. Jorgensen, J. Reda, R. H. Holzworth and R. Friedel (2012):
PLASMON - Determine the state of the plasmasphere on the basis of ground observations. INTERMAGNET Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 25-27 September 2012
Delport, B., Collier, A. B., Lichtenberger, J., Steinbach, P., and Parrot, M. (2012):
Correlating fractional hop whistlers detected on DEMETER with WWLLN lightning.
57th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Pretoria, South Africa, 9-13 July 2012
Collier, A. B., Rodger, C. J., Clilverd, M. A., Lichtenberger, J., and Delport, B. (2012):
Narrowband VLF Observations as Validation of Plasmaspheric Model.
57th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics, Pretoria, South Africa, 9-13 July 2012
B. Delport, A. B. Collier, J. Lichtenberger, P. Steibach and M. Parrot (2012):
Correlation between WWLLN detected lightning and fractional hop whistlers in the magnetosphere.
Presented at LIGHTS (Lightning Interest Group for Health, Technology and Science) Forum in University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. 7 March 2012
Jorgensen, Anders, J. Lichtenberger, J. Duffy, Reiner Friedel, Mark Clilverd, Balázs Heilig, Massimo Vellante, Jyrki Manninen,
C. J. Rodger, Andrew Collier, Jan Reda, Robert Holzworth, Daniel M. Ober, Athanasios Boudouridis, Eftyhia Zesta, P. J. Chi, and Robert Holzworth (2012):
Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations (poster). Abstract SM23C-2328 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec 2012
Lichtenberger, J., M. A. Clilverd, B. Heilig, M. Vellante, J. Manninen, C. J. Rodger, A. B. Collier, A. Jorgensen, J. Reda, R. H. Holzworth and R. Friedel (2012):
Data assimilative Modelling of Plasmasphere and Space Weather Events in the PLASMON Project.
Ninth European Space Weather Week, Brussels, Belgium, 5-9 November 2012
Lichtenberger, J., A. B. Collier, M. A. Clilverd, A. Jorgensen, C. J. Rodger, M. Vellante, R. Friedel, B. Heilig, R. H. Holzworth J. Manninen, and J. Reda (2012):
PLASMON: Progress in Characterising the Plasmasphere. 5th VERSIM Workshop, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 3 - 6 September 2012, Program and Abstracts, Pg. 50, 2012
Collier, Andrew, János Lichtenberger, Mark Clilverd, Anders Jorgensen, Craig J. Rodger, Massimo Vellante, Reiner Friedel, Balázs Heilig, Robert Holzworth, Tero Raita, Jan Reda (2012):
PLASMON: Progress During the First Year.
39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2012, Mysore, India.
J. Lichtenberger, A. B. Collier, M. Clilverd, A. Jorgensen, C. Rodger, M. Vellante, R.Friedel, B. Heilig, R. H. Holzworth, J. Manninen, and J. Reda (2012):
PLASMON: Progress in Characterising the Plasmasphere.
XVth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, San Fernando (Cadiz), Spain, 4-14 June, 2012.
(poster - abstract published in Abstract Volume 72, Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy, San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain, ISSN: 1131-5040, 2012)
Collier, A. B., J. Lichtenberger, R. Friedel, M. A. Clilverd, B. Heilig, M. Vellante, J. Manninen, C. J. Rodger, A. Jorgensen, J. Reda, and R. H. Holzworth (2011):
PLASMON: Data Assimilation of the Earth's Plasmasphere (poster).
30th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 13 - 20 August 2011, XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium Program Book, Pg 39, 2011.
Darrouzet, F., J. De Keyser, S. Ranvier, H. Lamy and J. Lichtenberger (2011):
Detection of Whistlers with a VLF Antenna Located in Belgium - Retrieval of Plasmaspheric Electron Density Profiles (poster).
25th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011, IUGG Programme Handbook, Pg 274, 2011
J. Lichtenberger (2011): The Hungarian SSA/Space Weather capabilities.
Space Situational Awareness Warsaw Seminar, Warsaw, Poland, 29 September 2011
Dobor L., Kern A., Barcza Z., Pongrácz R., Pásztor Sz. és Ferencz Cs. (2011):
Retrieval of vertically integrated water vapor from SEVIRI measurements. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) / 10th European
Conference on Application of Meteorology (ECAM), 12-16 September 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Ferencz Cs. (2011): Új szempontok a Szent Korona történetéhez.Kerthelység, 4 (8): 11-12.
János Lichtenberger, Csaba Ferencz, Dániel Hamar, Péter Steinbach, Dan Golden, Umran Inan and Morris Cohen (2011):
Plasmaspheric electron densities and whistler propagation paths.
The Indo-US Third VLF/ISWI International Workshop on Advancing VLF Science Through the Global AWESOME Network, Goa, India, 28 November-1 December 2011
A. Kern, Z. Barcza, R. Kovács, Cs. Ferencz and J. Bartholy (2010): Real-time processing of Direct Broadcast MODIS data in Hungary.
International TOVS Study Conference-16, 14-20 April, 2010, Monterey, California, USA. Best Poster Award
Ferencz Cs. (2010): A Szent Korona egységes szerkezetű koncepciójának bizonyítása.
Államalapítástól egyetemalapításig, Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 2010. aug. 31.-szept. 1.
Timár G., Kern A. (2009): Pillantás a magasból - Hómezők a Szír-sivatagban. A Földgömb11(1): 8-9.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2009): Pillantás a magasból - Tél végi színek a Kaszpi-tavon. A Földgömb11(2): 7.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2009): Pillantás a magasból - Közép-Európa tavaszi színekben. A Földgömb11(4): 4-5.
ISSN 1215-8690
Clilverd, M. A., Rodger, C. J., Thomson, N. R., Ulich, T., Lichtenberger, J., Collier, A. B. (2008): Remote sensing space weather events through ionospheric radio: the AARDDVARK network.
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
Collier, A. B., Hughes, A. R. W., Bremner, S., Delport, B., Lichtenberger, J., McDowell, G., Rodger, C. (2008): Whistler-lightning correlations: significant or coincidence?
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, O. E., Hamar, D., Steinbach, P., Korepanov, V., Mikhailova, G., Mikhailov, Y., Kuznetzov, V. D. (2008): First results of the analysis of data of the SAS2 E.M. wave analyzer on board of Compass-2 satellite.
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
Kern A., Barcza Z., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Timár G., Ferencz Cs. (2008): MODIS NDVI idősorok vizsgálata Magyarországra: a 2007-es júliusi hőhullám vegetációra gyakorolt hatása.
HUNGEO2008 - Magyar Földtudományi Szakemberek IX. Világtalálkozója, 2008. augusztus 20-23, E23 poszter.
Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Ferencz, O. E., Hamar, D. (2008): Obtaining plasmaspheric electron density profiles: a new whistler inversion model.
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
Rodger, C. J., Lichtenberger, J., McDowell, G., Downs, J. R., Thomson, N. R. (2008): Automatic whistler detection: operational results from New Zealand.
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Téli pillanatképek. A Földgömb10(1): 8-11.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Hófirkák a Kárpát-medencében. A Földgömb10(2): 4-5.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Athénig nyúló balkáni hómezők. A Földgömb10(3): 20-21.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kovács B. (2008): A Balkán-háromszögelések. A Földgömb10(3): 91-93.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Messze száll a sivatag pora. A Földgömb10(4): 14-17.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Fehér éjszaka Skandináviában. A Földgömb10(5): 20-21.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Nyárutó Európában. A Földgömb10(6): 8-9.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Kondenzcsíkok Nyugat-Európa egén. A Földgömb10(7): 4-5.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2008): Pillantás a magasból - Ködgyűrűben a Kárpát-medence. A Földgömb10(8): 12-13.
ISSN 1215-8690
Ferencz Cs. (2008): A Föld és a bolygók elektromágneses környezete, rádió-labor a
világűrben. MTA Távközlési Rendszerek Bizottságának ülése, 2008. 09. 24., BME
Híradástechnikai Tanszék.
Wilson, C. F., Titov, D., Korablev, O., Aplin, K., Balint, T., Blamont, J., Cochrane, C.,
Ferencz, Cs., Ferri, F., Gerasimov, M., Imamura, T., Leitner, J., Lopez-Moreno, J.,
Marty, B., Martynov, M., Pogrebenko, S., Rodin, A., Whiteway, J., Zasova, L. (2007):
The European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission proposal. Presented at Europlanet conference, Berlin, 19-24 Aug. 2007. Poster.
Kuznetzov, V.D., Ruzhin, Yu.Ja., Mikhailov, Yu.M., Mikhailova, G.A., Kapustina, O.V., Dokukin, V.S.,
Druzhin, G.I., Smirnov, S.E., Ferencz, Cs., Lichtenberger, J., Bodnár, L., Korepanov, V.E. (2007):
VLF experiment on the Compass 2 satellite and ground-based measurements of the seismoelectromagnetic effects on Kamchatka.
10th International Seminar "Low-freguency wave processes in space plasma", Zvenigorod, November, 12-16. 2007.
Ferencz Cs. (2007): Elektromágneses hullámok kutatása.
"50 éves az űrkutatás" MTA Fizikai Tudományok Osztálya és Műszaki
Tudományok Osztálya tudományos együttes osztályülés előadása,
Budapest, 2007. nov. 20.
Timár G. (2007): Ingyenes térinformatikai adatok az internetről. Térinformatika19 (2): 10-12.
ISSN 0864-8549
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Megapoliszok műholdképen. A Földgömb9 (4): 16-17.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Űrperspektíva – Nyári verőfény.
National Geographic Magyarország5 (8): 14. o.
ISSN 1589-3669
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): A Kaukázus műholdképe. Térinformatika19 (5): 16. o.
ISSN 0864-8549
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Higgyünk a szemünknek. Heti Válasz7 (40): 50. o.
ISSN 1587-0804
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Pillantás a magasból - Hőhullámok és erdőtüzek űrtávlatból. A Földgömb9 (6): 12-13.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Pillantás a magasból - Örmény-magasföld, Kurdisztán. A Földgömb9 (7): 5-6.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G. (2007): Régi térképek új élete. A Földgömb9 (7): 57-65.
ISSN 1215-8690
Timár G., Kern A. (2007): Pillantás a magasból - Vénasszonyok nyara a Kárpát-medencében. A Földgömb9 (7): 5-6.
ISSN 1215-8690
Cs. Ferencz and J. Lichtenberger (2006): Benefits of elektromagnetic monitoring of the planet Venus.
Venus Entry Probe Workshop, ESA/ESTEC, 19-20 January 2006, Nordwijk.
Lichtenberger J. (2006): Friss képek az Antarktiszról. Lélegzet, 16, 19-22.
ISSN 1216-0415
O. E. Ferencz, Cs. Ferencz, P. Steinbach, J. Lichtenberger, M. Parrot, F. Lefeuvre and D. Hamar (2006):
New, general theory of short impulse (UWB) propagation in wave-guide structures. (Poster)
Seminar on Ultra Wideband Systems, Technologies and Applications London, 20 April, 2006.
Ferencz Cs. (2006); Megszólalt a SAS az űrből. Magyar Hírlap39, 291. p.17. (2006. dec. 13.)
Ferencz Cs. (2005): With or without space activity?
First IAA International Conference, Impact of Space of Society, Budapest, 17-19 March.
Kern A., Bartholy J., Barcza Z., Pongrácz R., Ferencz Cs. (2005): Estimation of Total Precipitable Water
for Hungary using NOAA/AHHRR and MODIS imagery. (Poster)
Cargese Internatoinal Scool, Cost Action 723, Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere. Cargese, France,
03-15 October, 2005.
Timár G., Kohán B. (2005):
Digitális domborzatmodell az űrből.GPS Magazin, 4(1), 24-27.
ISSN 1588-4287
Timár G., Fehér G. (2005):
Időutazás GPS-szel. GPS Magazin, 4(1), 56-58.
ISSN 1588-4287
Bognár P., Timár G., Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Molnár G.,
Székely B., Kern A. (2005):
A földfelszín folyamatos monitorozása hiperspektrális
műholdas adatok segítségével.Technika, 48(9-10), 38-39.
ISSN 0040-1110
Ferencz Cs. (2005): A Föld változásai és a civilizációnk.Technika48(11-12), 12-14.
ISSN 0040-1110
Ferencz Cs. (2005): Űrkutatás, a XXI. század húzóágazata. Demokrata, 50, 56-57.
Klimov, S.I., Yu.V.Lissakov, O.V.Lapshinova, I.V.Sorokin, V.E.Korepanov, S.A.Belyaev, G.A.Stanev, K.Georgieva, B.Kirov, M.P.Gough,
H.S.C.K.Alleyne, M Balikhin, J.Lichtenberger, Cs.Ferencz, L.Bodnár, K.Szegő, S.Szalai, J.Juchniewicz, H.Rothkaehl and K.Stasiewicz (2004):
Nauchno-metodicheskie i organizachionno-technicheskie aspekti proekta "Vzaimodeistvie" v ramkah realizacii kosmicheskovoeksperimenta "Obstanovka 1-ij etap"
vinfrastrukture MKS.
Ispolnitelnaia rabotchaia gruppa RAN i BAN, 26-30 Oct., 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Lichtenberger J., Ferencz Cs.,Hamar D., E. Ferencz O., Steinbach P. (2004):
A szférák zenéje
(A felsôlégkör megismerése rádióhullámokkal).Technika, 47(1-2), 29-32.
ISSN: 0040-1110
Klimov, S.I., V.E.Korepanov, I.A.Dobrovolskyi, O.V.Lapshinova, I.V.Sorokin, S.Belyaev, G.A. Stanev, K.Georgieva, B.Kirov, M.P.Gough, H.S.C.K.Alleyne, M.Balikhin,
K.Szegő, S.Szalai, J.Lichtenberger, Cs.Ferencz, L.Bodnár, J.Juchniewicz, H.Rothkaehl and K. Stasiewicz (2003):
The Plasma-Wave Complex of scientific instrumentation for wave and plasma parameters measurements in the frame of Russian Segment of ISS.
ESA Space Weather Workshop: Developing a European Space Weather Service Network. SWENET: Space Weather European Network), 3-5 November 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Klimov, S.I., O.V.Lapshinova, I.V.Sorokin, G.A. Stanev, B.Kirov, K.Georgieva V.E.Korepanov, S.Belyaev, M.P.Gough, H.S.C.K.Alleyne, M.Balikhin,
J.Lichtenberger, Cs.Ferencz, K.Szegő, S.Szalai, J.Bodnár, J.Juchniewicz, H.Rothkaehl, M.Moravski, K.Stasiewicz and L.Ahlen (2003):
Rossiysko - Bolgarskaia ispolnitelnaia rabotchaia gruppa, 30-31 oct., 2003, Moscow, Russia.
Klimov, S.I., Korepanov, V.E., Dobrovolskyi, I.A., Lapshinova, O.V., Sorokin, I.V., Belyaev, S., Stanev, G.A., Kirov, B., Gough, M.P., Alleyne, H.S.C.K.,
Balikhin, M., Szegő, K., Szalai, S., Lichtenberger, J., Ferencz, Cs., Bodnár, L., Juchniewicz, J., Rothkaehl, H. and Stasiewicz, K. (2003):
The Plasma-Wave Complex of scientific instrumentation for wave and plasma parameters measurements in the frame of
Russian Segment of ISS.
ESA Space Weather Workshop: Developing a European Space Weather Service Network. SENET: Space Weather European Network,
3-5 November 2003, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Timár G., Molnár G.,
Pásztor Sz., Bognár P. (2003): "Parabola-ablak" Európára és környékére -
új műholdvevő állomás az ELTE Környezetfizikai Tanszékcsoportjánál.Technika, 46(9-10), 10-11.
ISSN: 0040-1110
Hamar D., Bognár P., Ferencz Cs., Lichtenberger J., Molnár G., Pásztor Sz. (2003):
A növényzet állapotának és várható
termésátlagának meghatározása
műholdas adatokból.Technika, 46(11-12), 33-35.
ISSN: 0040-1110
Ferencz Cs., Bodnár L., Lichtenberger J., Steinbach P. (2003):
A földrengések és az űrkutatás; a SAS mûszer.
Technika, 46(9-10), 12-14.
ISSN: 0040-1110
Ferencz Cs. , Ferencz O., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J. and Steinbach P (2003): EM Wave analysis.
In: Verô J (ed): Hungarian National Report on IAGA 1999-2002; Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung.38(2), 159-214 (190-192)
ISSN 1217-8977
Kovács V., Ferencz Cs., Tarcsai Gy., Pásztor Sz., Mezei Zs.,(2003):
Study of environment contamination remote and atomic spectroscopic detection of toxic heavy metals. Journal of Food Physics, (XI-XII), 57-62.
Ferencz Cs., Bognár P., E. Ferencz O., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J., Molnár G.,
Pásztor Sz., Steinbach P., Timár G. (2003):
HRPT/CHRPT és SAS műholdvevô állomás az ELTE Környezetfizikai Tanszékcsoportján.
Űrnap, ELTE TTK, Budapest, 2003. okt. 16., poszter.
Bognár P., Ferencz Cs., Ferencz E. O., Hamar D., Lichtenberger J., Molnár G.,
Pásztor Sz., Steinbach P., Timár G. (2003):
Az ELF-VLF kísérletek legújabb eredményei és
értelmezési lehetôségei; Földi elektromágnesség.
Tudományos konferencia, 2003. jún. 20-21., Sopron.
Sümegi P., Juhász I., Bodor E., Hunyadfalvi Z., Molnár S., Herbich K., Timár G. (2003):
A Balaton déli partjának paleoökológiai vizsgálata (poszter). Magyarhoni
Földtani Társulat Őslénytani-Rétegtani Szakosztály,
VI. Magyar Őslénytani Vándorgyűlés, Zirc, 2003. május 8-10.
Sümegi P., Kertész R., Juhász I., Timár G., Gulyás S. (2003):
The Mesolithic/Neolithic transition in the Carpathian Basin:
Was there an ecological trap during the Neolithic? 5th World Archaeological Congress on
Past Human Environments in Modern Contexts, Washington DC, USA, 22-26 June, 2003. Abstract
Molnár S., Sümegi P., Timár G., Juhász I. (2003):
A fokgazdálkodás ismeretanyagának beépítése a környezeti
nevelésbe az ecsegfalvi Kiri-tó példáján (poszter).
6. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus, Gödöllő, 2003. augusztus 27-29.
Sümegi P., Geiger J., Daniel P., Timár G., Szántó Zs. (2003):
A kardoskúti Fehér-tó paleoökológiai vizsgálata (poszter).
6. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus, Gödöllő, 2003. augusztus 27-29.
Sümegi P., Juhász I., Bodor E., Hunyadfalvi Z., Molnár S., Herbich K., Timár G., (2003):
Balaton déli partjának paleoökológiai vizsgálata (poszter).
6. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus, Gödöllő, 2003. augusztus 27-29.
Sümegi P., Juhász I., Timár G., Daniel P., Kiss T., Szántó Zs., Szilágyi Z. (2003):
Bátorligeti láp paleoökológiai vizsgálata (poszter).
6. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus, Gödöllő, 2003. augusztus 27-29.
Timár G., Molnár G. (2002): Geodéziai dátumok - Hálózatok csapdájában.GPS Magazin1(2), 10-11. HTML
ISSN 1588-4287
Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Dunkl, I., Székely, B., Vennemann, T., & Rettenbacher, A. (2002):
Dachstein-Altfläche, Augenstein-Formation und Höhlenentwicklung: die Geschichte der letzten 35 Millionen
Jahre in den zentralen Nördlichen Kalkalpen.Die Höhle,53(1), 1-37.
ISSN 0018-3091
Dunkl, I., Árkai, P., Balen, D., Balintoni, I., Berza,T., Biron, A., Csontos, L., Frisch, W., Fritz, H.,
Hoxha, L., Janák, M., Kázmér, M., Koller, F., Koroknai, B., Lelkes-Felvári, Gy.,
Milovanovic, D., Most, Th., M-Tóth, T., Nakov, R., Palinkas, L., Pamic, J., Plasienka, D., Puste, A., Putis ,
M., Schuster, R., Székely, B., Thöni, M., Tomljenovic, B., Török, K., Vrabec, M. (2002):
Web edition of the Metamorphic Map and Database of Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaride area. Geologica Carpathica,53 (spec. issue), 161-165.
Karátson, D., Németh, K., Székely, B. (2002): Volcanism, uplift and erosion in and around the Danube bend,
North Hungary. XVIIth Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association CBGA, 1-4 Sep, 2002, Bratislava.
Dunkl, I., Székely, B. (2002): Component analysis with visualization of fitting - PopShare, a
Windows program for data analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,66(15A), Suppl. 1., A201.
Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J., Dunkl, I., Székely, B. & Vennemann, T. (2002): Dachstein paleosurface,
Augenstein Formation and cave evolution - the history of the Northern Calcareous Alps in the last 35 Ma.
PANGEO Austria 2002 (Salzburg, Austria, June 28-30, 2002), 48.
Székely, B., Frisch, W., Dunkl, I., Kuhlemann, J., & Kázmér, M. (2002): Dynamics of the Alps
reconsidered: orogenic processes as told by meteorological analogies. PANGEO Austria 2002
(Salzburg, Austria, June 28-30, 2002), 174.
Székely, B., Frisch, W., Kuhlemann, J. & Dunkl, I. (2002): Eastern Alpine geomorphic setting
with strong neotectonic overprint: a multimethod approach. PANGEO Austria 2002 (Salzburg, Austria,
June 28-30, 2002), 175.
Zöldföldi J., Székely B. (2002): Quantitative Fabric Analysis (QFA) and Fractal Analysis (FA) on
marble from Central Europa and West-Anatolia.
33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 22-26, 2002).
Archeometriai Műhely, 2002. október 8.,
Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Budapest; 13th EUROMARBLE Workshop, 10-12 October 2002, München, Germany.
Zöldföldi J., Tóth M., Székely B., Satir, M., Árkai P. (2002):
Provenance of the white marble building stones in the monuments of ancient Troy.
33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry (Amsterdam, The Nederlands, April 22-26, 2002)
Timár G. (2001): High resolution digital elevation models of the Tisza floodplain (poster).
EGS Stephan Mueller Topical Conference: Quantitative Neotectonics and seismic hazard assessment:
New integrated approaches for environmental management. Balatonfüred, Hungary, 22-26 September, 2001.
Timár G. (2001) A flood-endagered section of Tisza river (East Hungary) - a case study
using detailed DEMs and river pattern analysis.
2nd FLAG Workshop on Fluvial response to rapid climatic changes & The impact of tectonics on fluvial systems.
Haarlem, the Netherlands, 9-12 March, 2001. PPT
Székely B., Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Dunkl I. (2001): Chickens and eggs: Evidence for
glaciation-induced relief enhancement in the Eastern Alps (poster).
GSA Earth System Processes - Global Meeting (June 24-28, 2001), Edinburgh,
Time Scales of Denudation: From Catchment to Continent
Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W., Dunkl I., Székely B., Spiegel, C. (2001):
Post-Eocene denudation of the Alps (Europe): Temporal variations forced by tectonics (poster).
GSA Earth System Processes - Global Meeting (June 24-28, 2001), Edinburgh,
Time Scales of Denudation: From Catchment to Continent
Karátson D., Csontos L., Harangi Sz., Székely B. (2001):
A Nyugat-Mátra vulkánszerkezeti rekonstrukciója. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia 2001
(Szeged, 2001. október 25-27.)
Ferencz Cs. (2001): Katasztrófa elhárítás és űrtevékenység. Természet Világa (Természettudományi Közlöny), 132, 2001. II. különszáma, 50-53.