Abstract Accomodation General information Participants Program Registration Application for support VERSIM 2008 ELTE-SRG Home Page Tihany Page VERSIM Home Page |
15th - 20th September 2008 at Tihany, Hungary organized by Space Research Group, Eötvös University (ELTE-SRG) sponsored by Eötvös University and supported by URSI and IAGA ![]() ![]() ![]() ELF/VLF Radio Phenomena: generation, propagation and consequences in observations, theory and modeling Scientific focus of the 3nd VERSIM Workshop
These represent many of the core-scientific areas of the VERSIM Working group:
Abstracts of around 200 words should be sent to János Lichtenberger at ELTE-SRG (e-mail:versim2008@sas.elte.hu) before Sunday, 8th June 2008. There will be oral presentations, and a poster session on instrumentation. We may also need to consider posters for non-instrumentation presentations, depending on the number of submissions received. This be will be considered by the Scientific Committee. Limited fund for grants to PhD students and participants coming from developing countries are available (Application for support) IAGA offered the possibility to nominate a young scientist (max 30 years old in 2008) who contributed the best paper to the meeting for the IAGA award to young scientists for best contributions to IAGA-sponsored topical meetings. The award consists of support to participate in the next Assembly (in Sopron in 2009): a low-cost air ticket, waiving of the registration fee, and USD 200 as a contribution to cover hotel and subsistence costs. The young scientist nominated shall have made a major contribution to the study reported and have been the first author of the paper presented, besides having given a very good presentation at the meeting. Applicants have to indicate their intention to apply for IAGA-grant in their abstract submission Scientific Committee D. Carpenter, M. Clilverd, Cs. Ferencz, J. Manninen, Y. Omura, O. Santolik, D. Shklyar Local Organising Committee János Lichtenberger (chairman), Péter Steinbach, Dániel Hamar, Balázs Heilig Space Research Group, Eötvös University, Budapest, Pf 32 H-1518 HUNGARY Tel: +36-1-372 2934 Fax: +36-1-372 2927 Email: versim2008@sas.elte.hu Craig J. Rodger Department of Physics, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 3 479 4120 Fax: +64 3 479 0964 |