The "Krovák" map projection is the national grid of the former Czechoslovakia. It is an Oblique Conformal Conic one, which is unique among the world's national grids.
Majster is a MS Excel table that allows you to convert UTM, Soviet-type Gauss-Krüger and Krovák coordinates. You can enter your input in any of the listed projections and will be given the result in both other systems.
Notice: I've written it for my amusement - you can use it free, without any restriction. Distribute it freely but if you put it to your website, please place a link to this site, too.
Please, drop me a mail: with your new version if you modify the table.
I don't speak neither Czech nor Slovakian so if you translate this page to those language, I'd happily place them beside the English version.
English version:
English version with automatic calculation from WGS84 to different grids by Petr Stepanek:
Czech version:
prevody.xls, translated by Ing. Petr U
RBAN (Praha).
Special thanks to József V
ARGA (Technical University of Budapest) and Gábor V
IRÁG (Space Geodesy Observatory, Hungarian Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Penc), for the equations used in the table.
How to incorporate the Krovák grid to GIS packages:
In the Czech Republic:
English version
In Slovakia:
English version
This page is maintianed by Gábor T
IMÁR, Space Research Group, Dept. of Geophysics, Eötvös University of Budapest.
Last modified: 11 JAN 2008