ELTE TTK Geofizikai és Űrtudományi Tanszék Dept. of Geophys and Space Sci, Eötvös Univ.
Projektek és együttműködések / Projects and collaborations
1999-to date/ Signal Analyzer and Sampler (SAS2, SAS3 and SAS4) VLF receiver instruments for Compas2, Chibis, Chibis-AI and Relek satellites, Trabant microsatellite, for the OBSTANOVKA-1 and -2
(International Space Station) missions.
2001-to date/ PI and founder of the Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer Network (AWDANet), a unique global network monitoring the plasmaspheric electron density in near
real-time. AWDANet has 23 operating and 20 planned stations worldwide, under permanent upgrade.
2002-to date/ Installation and operation of satellite tracking station at the Eötvös University Lágymányos Campus. The tracking station is used for
the continuous reception of EO remote sensing satellite data as well as for the reception of scientific and telemetry data from our satellite experiments.
2003-to date/ Participation of the AARDVARK (Antarctic-Arctic Radiation-belt (Dynamic) Deposition - VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortium) global VLF recording network.
2004-to date/ Invited CoI in scientific interpretation of the French DEMETER satellite program recordings.
2004-to date/ Participation in the WWLLN global lightning detection network.
2005-/ In the framework of ESA PECS funds CoI of the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter Plasma Wave Instrument, PI of Intelligent Signal Detector
Module for PWI in close collaboration with the BL-Electronics.
2011-2013/ EU-FP7 POPDAT, A problem-oriented tool in ionosphere and space weather research
2011-2013/ Coordinator of a European Union Framework Programme FP7-Space project called PLASMON, A new, ground based data-assimilative model of the Earth's Plasmasphere – a
critical contribution to Radiation Belt modeling for Space Weather purposes (http://plasmon.elte.hu). The project consortium consists of 11 leading space physics
institutions, like Los Alamos National Laboratory or British Antarctic Survey from 8 countries.
2014-2017/ PI of the ‘Application of satellite remote sensing data to characterize vegetation dynamics within the Carpathian Basin’ (OTKA PD111920)
2014-2017/ Participation in the ‘Estimating and Forecasting Forest Ecosystem Productivity by Integrating Field Measurements, Remote Sensing and Modelling - EFFEctivity’
(Project of Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-UIP-11-2013-2492))
2015/ PI of the 'Validation of the plasmaspheric electron density data by simultaneous analysis of Cluster WHISPER and Automatic Whistler Detector and Analyzer Network
(AWDANet) data' ESA-PECS project.
2017-2019/ PI of the ‘Electromagnetic monitoring of the Geospace environment for Space Weather/SSA purposes by high featured' wave instrument on nanosatellites – a
feasibility study’ ESA project
2018-2022/ PI of the ‘Remote sensing based detection of the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on vegetation activity in the Carpathian-Basin’ (OTKA FK128709)